Antonyms and Definitions
Random Context Clues

What is the name of the company in the comedy show "The Office?"

Dunder Mifflin Paper Company 

Define scoff:

She scoffed at the suggestion that the sky is green.


Define incredulous:

Graham gave his sister an incredulous look when she told him that pigs could fly. He was skeptical and not sure if he believed her. His sister was smart, but he had never seen a pig fly before.


What does antagonist mean?

My favorite movie antagonists are the Joker, Darth Vader, and the Wicked Witch of the West.

Villain or evil character; bad guy or Lucas Mosburger

What is the definition of departure?

In broad strokes, the story has three parts. The first, called the departure, deals with the hero being called to an adventure that sets the hero on her journey. Often, the hero refuses this call to leave home but is later encouraged.  

The first part of story in which the hero leaves home. 
Who was a Cy Young winner for the MLB in 2017?
Corey Kluber 

Max Sherzer


What does refute mean? 

The lawyer had to refute the evidence presented against her client.

prove wrong; disprove

Define turmoil: 

The country used to be orderly and peaceful, but now it is in complete turmoil. 

chaos, great disturbance, confusion

What does shirk mean?

Michael always tries to shirk his duties. He skips work to go to the beach, makes excuses to get out ofmeetings, and convinces other people to do his job for him. 

avoid doing something 

Define trivial based off the context of the sentence:

Interns do much of the trivial work in order to allow the engineers to deal with more important problems.

useless or unimportant

What cartoon character said, "Felicitations, malefactors! I am endeavoring to misappropriate the formulary for the preparation of affordable comestibles! Who will join me!?"


What does distorted mean? 

Ever since the television fell off its stand, the image has been distorted.

deformed, twisted; inaccurate 

What does apathetic mean?

At the carnival, Maeve was apathetic. She showed little emotion. Maeve didn't want to ride the Ferris wheel, play the games, or eat the food. 

uninterested, indifferent, unconcerned 

What does proficient mean? 

Vivian is proficient in many different areas. She is the captain of the soccer team, plays the violin beautifully, and won first place at the science fair. 

competent, talented, skilled

What does ornate mean?

Unlike the ornate carvings found in the caves in France, these museum paintings were very simple and not as flashy. 

complex, intricate; fancy, showy
This fictional character saved her family from a bear.
Lyddie Worthen

Define translucent: 

I could see the sunlight streaming through the butterfly's translucent wings as if flew into the air. 

allowing light to pass through

Define foreboding: 

Despite his mother's efforts to put him at ease, Sam felt a deep sense of foreboding about his first day of school. 

fear of something bad coming one's way

Define connoisseur. 

Pierre is a connoisseur in many different fields. He is an expert on travel, has a deep knowledge of

Renaissance art, and has also written many books on fine dining

a very knowledgeable person; someone with expert knowledge in specific cultural subjects

Define beckon:

he mother beckoned to her child so that he would know it was time to leave the park.

signal or make a gesture, usually with a hand
What are the four types of context clues? 
Synonyms, antonyms, examples, and definitions

Define evade: 

The businessman was in trouble with the law for trying to evade taxes. 

escape or avoid

Define succumb: 

For days, the invading army attacked the fort and launched cannonballs over the walls. It also blocked food and supplies from entering the fort. As a result, the defending army eventually had no choice but to succumb, meaning to give in or surrender, to its enemies. 

surrender, give in, yield

Define hybrid: 

A common example of a hybrid animal is the mule, which is a cross between a horse and a donkey.

combination of two things 

What does vehemently mean? 

The lawyer argued vehemently for his client because he believed passionately that the man was not guilty. 

with strong emotion, great feeling