The hostile, or unfriendly crowd began shouting angrily when the team lost the game
unfriendly or agressive
The tenacious athlete never gave up, always determined to win despite the difficulties.
His rigid stance on the rules made him unpopular, while his colleague’s flexible approach helped him gain the team's respect.
stiff or strict
The antique table had intricate carvings and was over a hundred years old, a true relic of the past.
Emily glanced nervously at the clock, her foot tapping continuously. She had been waiting for nearly an hour, and still no word from her friend.
Sarah felt elated, or excited when she received the news that she had been accepted into her dream school.
The radiant sun made the beach sparkle, its bright, glowing light warming everything in sight.
The vivid colors of the sunset were breathtaking, while the cloudy sky at dawn seemed dull and gray.
bright or intense colors
The reluctant student didn’t want to present in front of the class, just like the others who avoided speaking up when called on.
avoiding or doesn't want
The hallway was quiet as the teacher walked in, and the students quickly sat down, their eyes fixed on her. Clearly, they were ready for the lesson to begin.
The delicate flower petals were so thin and fragile that they fell at the slightest breeze.
fragile or easily broken
The immense mountain loomed in front of us, its enormous size making everything around it look tiny.
enormous or huge
The team's lackluster performance in the first half was in stark contrast to their stellar showing in the second half, when they dominated the game.
unimpressive or boring
The timid puppy would hide behind its owner whenever strangers came near, just like the other shy pets in the shelter.
Mike’s hands were trembling as he stared at the letter. His lips moved, but no words came out. It was clear he was shocked by the news.
shocked or disbelief
The subtle hint in his voice suggested that he was unhappy, even though he didn’t say it directly.
not obvious or not easily noticed
The meticulous student double-checked his work, making sure everything was precise and perfect.
precise or to look closely or pay attention to detail
The weather was sweltering during the day, but by evening, it had cooled down, and the breeze felt refreshing.
The pristine beach was untouched by pollution, with white sand and clear water, just like the picture-perfect beaches we see in travel magazines.
clean or perfect
The fresh, salty breeze filled the air as Sarah walked along the beach, her toes sinking into the soft sand. She smiled, feeling at peace.
The abundant harvest this year allowed the farmers to share extra crops with the community.
more than enough or a lot
The tranquil park was peaceful and calm, the quiet atmosphere helping everyone relax.
The intense pressure of the final exams left many students feeling stressed, but some were able to remain calm and composed throughout the week.
overwhelming or strong
The treacherous mountain path was narrow and slippery, much like the dangerous trails we had to avoid during our hiking trip.
John looked down at his worn-out shoes, his face falling as he noticed the holes. He sighed and continued walking, his footsteps heavy