Incessant rains caused heavy flooding throughout the country and widespread damage and inconvenience.
The aroma of garlic is unmistakable. It's scent can be detected for days. What does aroma mean?
scent; smell; odor
The committee chose the most appropriate moment to solicit the approval of the Board of Directors.**
a) improper
b) vulnerable
c) inopportune
d) negative
meticulously – adverb
with extreme or excessive attention to detail
feigned – verb
pretended (page 74)
Not easily upset or excited; Calm; Peaceful
When he assumed duties as Minister of Health, he became oblivious of his responsibilities to his constituents.
• a) careful
• b) forgetful
• c) averse
• d) considerate
I abhorred traffic jams and hate it when my ride to work is delayed. What does abhorred mean?
hate; strong dislike
The boxes weren't exactly heavy, just cumbersome, unlike the easy to carry bags with handles. What does cumbersome mean?
difficult to handle
emaciated – adjective
abnormally thin, as by starvation or disease (page 8)
.haughtily – adverb
with great pride in oneself and scorn for others (page 78)
in low spirits from loss of hope or courage.
After their lengthy deliberation, the jury gave a verdict that was unbiased.
• a) final
• b) appropriate
• c) lenient
• d) impartial
If you water them regularly, you will have an abundant amount of daffodils in the spring. If you do not water them, only a few will grow. What does abundant mean?
many; large amount or quantity
maverick – noun
person who takes an independent stand, refusing to conform to that of his or her group
malevolently – adverb
with intense and often vicious ill will, spite, or hatred. (page 112)
unpleasantly bitter or pungent.
His general behavior towards the guest seemed hostile.
• a) strange
• b) unfriendly
• c) indifferent
• d) positive
Many people now feel that typewriters are archaic. What does archaic mean?
old-fashioned; out-of-date
Rather than repress your feelings, you should let them out. Doing so will reduce your stress. What does repress mean?
to hold in; to hold back
lynched – verb
murdered by mob action and without a lawful trial, as by hanging (page 40)
collateral – noun
anything, such as stocks or bonds, that guarantees the repayment of a loan (page 152)
hesitating or doubting; not to be relied upon; suspect
Violence in schools is prevalent among male students who are members of gangs.
• a) widespread
• b) vast
• c) excessive
• d) enormous
Loud noise and poor lighting are not conducive to learning? What does conducive mean?
to be favorable or good for; to cause or bring about
conspiratorially – adverb
in a sly or secretive manner (page 50)
boycott – noun
an act of refusing to buy, sell, or use (page 240)
expressing something forcibly and clearly.