Even when the police officers put the handcuffs on my mother, she maintained her dignity, holding her head up high as she was marched off the protest site.
The word means a sense of pride in oneself.
The clues are "maintained her dignity" and "holding her head up high" which suggest self-respect despite a difficult situation.
The rays from the rising sun shined splendidly through our kitchen window.
This means magnificent or very impressive.
The clue is "rays from the rising sun shined splendidly," indicating brightness and beauty
John was so hungry that he didn’t leave a single particle of the muffin on the plate.
This refers to a tiny piece or amount.
The clue is "didn't leave a single particle," which implies something very small was left
Cassie took her time when she wrote in cursive, slowly making each word out of an elegant series of arcs and loops.
This means graceful and stylish in appearance or manner.
The clue is "an elegant series of arcs and loops," suggesting beauty in the way she wrote.
Kevin thought that it was a great injustice that girls could wear earrings in the school while the boys could not.
This means a lack of fairness or justice.
The clue is "great injustice that girls could wear earrings while boys could not," indicating an unfair situation.
After Gears of Pain 6 came out, the number of people playing Gears of Pain 5 declined.
This means to decrease.
The clue is "the number of people playing Gears of Pain 5 declined," showing a reduction in players
When Rex had a bone, a warm spot to lie, and someone petting him, he was in paradise
This means a state of great happiness or a perfect place.
The clue is "he was in paradise" when he had a bone and someone petting him, indicating contentment
Alvin went to the museum every Saturday because he was so fascinated by art.
This means to attract and hold the attention of someone.
The clue is "he was so fascinated by art," showing a strong interest
Even though John had a good job and a nice family, he yearned for more.
This means to have a strong desire for something. The clue is "he yearned for more," indicating a longing for something greater.
Since professional athletes have to stay in peak physical shape, most athletes seldom eat junk food.
This means not often.
The clue is "most athletes seldom eat junk food," indicating that it happens infrequently.
Suzie’s mother taught her to never let anyone degrade her, so now she demands respect in all of her relationships.
To lower in dignity or respect.
Clue: "demands respect" indicates that the opposite of degrading is being respected.
My mom wanted to get the red napkins for the party and my dad wanted the blue napkins, but I’m not even concerned about such frivolous things.
Not serious or important; silly.
Clue: "not even concerned about such frivolous things" suggests that the items are trivial.
The dogs were so hungry that they would have killed one another for a morsel of meat.
A small piece or amount of food.
Clue: "would have killed one another for a morsel of meat" implies that it is something very small and desirable.
John had seen horror movies before, but when he saw Bloodcore 6, he was so appalled by the bloodshed that he wrote the newspapers warning parents not to allow their children to see this movie.
To shock or horrify.
Clue: "he was so appalled by the bloodshed" shows a strong negative reaction to something disturbing.
It is difficult to forgive someone who has hurt you, even if that person is penitent and expresses regret for their decisions.
Feeling regret for wrongdoing.
Clue: "expresses regret for their decisions" suggests a sense of remorse.
Some people think that my little brother is annoying because he asks so many questions, but I think that he just has an inquisitive nature.
Curious or eager for knowledge.
Clue: "asks so many questions" indicates a desire to learn
General Kang was more than a brave commander. He was a good man, for he knew better than to rush into battle when there was still time for diplomacy.
The art of negotiating or managing relations.
Clue: "knew better than to rush into battle" suggests a preference for negotiation.
Don't tell Beth! She's so subservient to Mom that she'll probably let her know about it and spoil the surprise.
Obedient or submissive to someone else.
Clue: "so subservient to Mom" implies a lack of independence
It seemed inconceivable to me that Brenda was unaware of Andy's feeling for her, particularly after he wrote that poem for her and read it to the entire class.
Impossible to comprehend or believe.
Clue: "seemed inconceivable" indicates something hard to accept
When Bobby asked Kelly to give him one reason why they shouldn't go, Kelly enumerated a list long enough to quiet Bobby.
To list one by one.
Clue: "Kelly enumerated a list long enough to quiet Bobby" indicates that she provided a detailed list of reasons
The magnanimous judge released the young offender who had been caught stealing bread by saying, "Everybody has to eat," and slamming down his gavel.
Generous or forgiving, especially toward a rival or less powerful person.
Clue: "Everybody has to eat" indicates compassion and understanding from the judge
Angela did not want to go to the party. She wanted to study for the exam, but her sister nagged her so much that Angela finally acquiesced and agreed to go.
To accept something reluctantly but without protest.
Clue: "Angela finally acquiesced and agreed to go" shows that she gave in to her sister's insistence
Jon pulled open the doors to the large building and stood in the vestibule for a moment to catch his breath before entering the reception area.
An entrance hall or lobby.
Clue: "stood in the vestibule for a moment" implies a waiting area before entering
The solider was awarded four medals for his meritorious conduct on the battlefield.
Deserving praise or reward.
Clue: "awarded four medals for his meritorious conduct" indicates commendable behavior
Scientists claim that the plants and animals on this recently discovered planet are unlike any of the terrestrial variety which we have known our whole lives.
Relating to the Earth or land.
Clue: "unlike any of the terrestrial variety" implies comparison to Earth-based life