The children danced to the music with JUBILATION. What does JUBILATION mean?
a) delight
Julia wasn't sure exactly what time they would arrive, but she thought the APPROXIMATE time would be around 5:00. What does APPROXIMATE mean? Give the context clues you used in the sentence to determine the meaning.
a) estimated Clues --- wasn't sure exactly, thought, around
Dad thought the spaghetti sauce was too BLAND, so he added more garlic. What does BLAND mean? Give the context clues from the sentence that helped you determine the meaning.
c) mild Clues -- added more garlic
The black plague swept through Europe in the Middle Ages killing millions of people. In some villages, half the population PERISHED. What does PERISHED mean? Give the context clues from the sentences that helped you determine the meaning.
b) died Clues -- killing, people, population
That movie had an INTENSE effect on me. I could not stop thinking about it! What does INTENSE mean? Give the context clues from the sentences that helped you determine the meaning.
a) powerful Clues -- not stop thinking about it
Angela knew that there were NUMEROUS reasons why she should take the job, but she just did not want it. What does NUMEROUS mean? Give the context clues from the sentence that helped you determine the meaning.
b) many Clues -- reasons why