Educated Guesses

The flowers of dandelions are edible or able to be eaten. What does edible mean?

What is, able to be eaten.


The Quakers of Pennsylvania believed in religious toleration. This meant that they (1) supported government control of religion (2) required children to attend religious schools (3) refused to join either side in a war (4) allowed others to practice their own religion 

What is, (4) explain your process behind your guess


What is the author trying to convey by describing the children as grey?

A. That they are sickly and sad.

B. That they had healthy color.

C. That they wore grey makeup to be festive.



What gets wetter as it dries?

What is, a towel. 


Read this sentence from the article. It’s uncanny what kids can do with a can-do attitude and a whole lot of cans. In this sentence, the word “uncanny” most likely means (A) unbelievable (B) uncertain (C) understandable (D) unfamiliar

What is, (A).


People were told not to eat the tainted fish. Eating fish with a disease can be very dangerous to your health. What does tainted mean?

What is, harmful; contaminated.


The 13th, 14th, and 15th amendments were added to the Constitution during the Reconstruction period to (1) bring an end to the Civil War (2) limit the powers of the president (3) improve the operation of the electoral college (4) grant legal rights to African Americans

What is, (4) explain your process behind your guess


What attitude can you infer that the author has about child labor?

  1.  You can infer the author finds it saddening and does not approve of it because of phrases like “sleep was their recreation, their release, as play is to a free child.”

  2. You can infer the author finds it inspiring and approves of it because of the bright and happy language they use.

  3.  You can infer the author finds it practical and approves of it because it was very cost effective since they were only paid “ten cents a day.”



What has a neck but no head?

What is, a bottle.


What is the best cure for dandruff?

What is, baldness.


The line for the new movie seemed indefinite as if it would go on forever. What does indefinite mean?

What is, never ending.


Inuits wore clothing made of seal and caribou skins. Pueblos wore clothing made of woven cotton. Algonquins wore clothing made of deerskin. These differences in clothing were most likely the result of (1) traditional religious practices (2) available natural resources (3) family kinship requirements (4) competing customs in fashion

What is, (2) explain your process behind your guess.


 What can be inferred about the parents of the children in this passage?

A. They were happy their children were employed.

B. That they were financially secure.

C. That they were very poor and desperate.

D. It is possible many of the children did not have parents.

E. C & D



Why did the boy bury his flashlight?

What is, because his batteries died. 


I saw lots of new things. I was burning to ask him what those strange foods were and what they tasted like and where they came from. What is the effect of using the word “burning” in this context? (A) It shows how angry the narrator is. (B) It shows how curious the narrator is. (C) It suggests how afraid the narrator is. (D) It suggests how uncomfortable the narrator is.

What is, (B). 


The amount of money we collected for our charity surpassed, or exceeded, what he had expected. What does surpassed mean?

What is, exceeded; went above or beyond.


Some citizens held a public meeting to discuss concerns about their local government. In taking this action, they exercised their right to (1) bear arms (2) a jury trial (3) freedom of assembly (4) an attorney

What is, (3) explain your process behind your guess.


What is the author implying by putting the word help in quotation marks in the following line?: Toddling chaps...were brought in to “help” the older sister or brother...but their labor was not paid.

A. The author is implying that they did more than just help, because their help was actually labor just like the older children.

B. The author is implying they were not really very helpful.

C.The author is implying that they actually did more than the older children.



Where does Friday come before Thursday?

What is, in a dictionary. 


This virus has really depleted my energy. I get tired just walking across the room. What does depleted mean?

What is, taken away; decreased; lessen in power.


The start time for classes is immutable, so they are unable to change. What does immutable mean?

What is, unchanging over time or unable to be changed, fixed, rigid, unwavering. 


• Studies systems of government • Formulates public policy proposals • Analyzes election polls and results 

A person who specializes in these activities is called (1) an economist (3) a sociologist (2) a political scientist (4) an anthropologist

What is, (2) explain your process behind your guess.


Based on the context clues in the passage and your own background knowledge, what time period can you infer this most likely took place in? 

A. Ancient Greece

B. The Industrial Revolution

C. Medieval Europe



Mary’s father has five daughters – Nana, Nene, Nini, Nono. What is the fifth daughter’s name?

What is, Mary! 


Fun Fact: Who was the last person to sign the Declaration of Independence? 

What is, Thomas McKean (1734-1817)—Thomas McKean was the last member of the Second Continental Congress to sign the Declaration of Independence. He was a delegate to the Continental Congress from 1774-81 and served as a delegate to the Congress of the Confederation from 1781-1783.
