Mystery Word

"The scientist’s theory about the cause of the earthquake was widely accepted by the scientific community." 

What does “theory” mean?

An idea or explanation based on facts or observations.


"The team was very enthusiastic about their upcoming project and couldn’t wait to get started."

What is another word for “enthusiastic”

Excited, eager, passionate


"She was feeling generous, giving away all of her old toys to charity."

What is the opposite of “generous”?

Stingy, selfish, ungiving


"The wind was howling outside the window, and the trees were bending. It looked like a storm was coming."
What can we infer about the weather?

A storm is coming or it’s very windy.


"The artist’s work was incomprehensible to many people at first, but after hearing his explanation, they began to appreciate it."
What does “incomprehensible” mean?

Impossible to understand.


"The adventure took them through dangerous jungles and up towering mountains."

What does “adventure” mean?

An unusual or exciting experience, often involving risk.


"She gave a brief explanation of the rules before the game began."

What is another word for “brief”?

Short, quick, concise


"She was cautious in the stormy weather, taking slow, deliberate steps to avoid slipping."

What is the opposite of “cautious”?

Reckless, careless


"She had a large pile of homework on her desk, but she still looked excited about going out with her friends later."
What can we infer about her attitude towards her homework?

She’s not too concerned about the homework or she is confident she can finish it later.


"The hospitable hosts greeted their guests warmly and made them feel at home right away."
What does “hospitable” mean?

Friendly and welcoming to guests.


"The blizzard made it impossible for us to see anything outside the window."

What does “blizzard” mean?

A severe snowstorm with strong winds and low visibility.


"The rain was so intense that it flooded the streets within minutes."

What is another word for “intense”?

Strong, powerful, severe


"The small boat swayed gently in the harbor, rocking slowly with the waves."

What is the opposite of “gently”?

Roughly, violently, harshly


"The teacher smiled and praised him for his efforts. He stood up taller, his chest puffed out with pride."
What can we infer about how he feels?

He feels proud or confident.


"The teacher’s instructions were meticulous, leaving no room for confusion about what needed to be done."
What does “meticulous” mean?

Showing great attention to detail; careful and precise


"She was very generous with her time, always helping those in need."

What does “generous” mean?

Willing to give or share freely, especially with money or time.


"The professor’s explanation was so lucid that all the students understood the complex topic."

What is another word for “lucid”?

Clear, straightforward, comprehensible.


"The rigorous training program prepared the athletes for any challenge they might face."

What is the opposite of “rigorous”?

Easy, lenient, relaxed


"Even though she was tired, she kept smiling and kept working. Her coworkers noticed her energy and were impressed by her dedication."
What can we infer about her personality?

She is hardworking, dedicated, or motivated


"After a long and arduous journey, they finally arrived at their destination, exhausted but relieved."
What does “arduous” mean?

Difficult and tiring.


"The symptoms of the flu include a fever, chills, and body aches."

What does “symptoms” mean?

Signs or physical effects of a disease or condition.


"Her stoic demeanor during the crisis showed her ability to remain calm and unaffected by the chaos around her."

What is another word for “stoic”?

Impassive, unemotional, calm.


"After a long day of hiking, the group felt exhilarated from the adventure, full of energy and excitement."

What is the opposite of “exhilarated”?

Depressed, exhausted, fatigued


"The food at the party was delicious, but the guests barely touched their plates and kept looking at their watches."
What can we infer about the guests' mood?

They are impatient, possibly in a hurry, or eager to leave.


"The movie’s plot was predictable, following the same pattern as many other films in the genre."
What does “predictable” mean?

Able to be predicted; not surprising.
