
If the lightbulb is too dim to illuminate the room, it should be replaced. It should brighten up the room so you can see. Using context clues, what does illuminate mean?

a. make dark or darken

b. make larger

c. light up or brighten up 

light up or brighten up the room


I needed some extra aid, in my math class. So I always asked for support when I could. Using context clues, what does aid mean?

a. help/ assistance

b. food and drinks

c. people

help, assistance


The private files were marked 'confidential.'  Using context clues, what does confidential mean?

a. public

b. private

c. unimportant



My sister always sleeps with the door closed, but I prefer to sleep with it slightly ajar.  Using context clues, what does ajar mean?

a. closed

b. open

c. broken



She was modest about her accomplishments even though she had a lot to be proud of after the dance competition season she was never cocky unpretentious means...

a. humble, doesn't think too highly of herself

b. cocky, things she's better than everybody else

c. honest, tells the truth

humble, modest


We do not like how the animals in the circus are treated, so our plan is to boycott the circus. We are not buying tickets for their events anymore!  Using context clues, what does boycott mean?

a. help

b. not support/ refuse to support

c. support

refuse to support, buy, or give money to


The father and son collected kindling, such as dry twigs and sticks, so they could start a campfire. Using context clues, what does kindling mean?

a. toys and games

b. nuts and bolts

c. sticks and other materials for a fire

dry twigs and sticks and other material that can be used for a fire


Lisa hates all types of seafood.  She detests tuna just as much as she dislikes shrimp. It made her sick just thinking about it.  Using context clues, what does detest mean?

a. love

b. eat

c. hate

dislike, hate, loathe


I love chocolate cake, but on the other hand, I absolutely loathe vanilla icing. It makes me sick.  Using context clues what does loathe mean?

a. hate

b. love

c. eat



Mary left her umbrella at her friend's house so she got drenched during the rain storm on her way home. Drench means...

a. dry

b. soaking wet

c. ready

soak, wet, wet down, got wet


The company had to demolish, the building to make room for the new parking lot. They took a wrecking ball to it and it tumbled to the ground  Using context clues, what does demolish mean?

a. destroy

b. build

c. create



In the past month we have had almost every type of precipitation including rain, sleet, snow, and hail.  Using context clues, what does precipitation mean?

a. Earth wind and fire

b. rain, sleet, snow, and hail

c. oil and plastic

rain, sleet, snow, and hail that falls to the ground from the sky


Lean fats are essential to a healthy diet. Vegetables are very necessary too.  Using context clues, what does essential mean?

a. important, necessary

b. unimportant, unnecessary

c. recent, new

necessary, important, significant 


Last night I had copious amounts of homework, but tonight I don’t have any!  Using context clues, what does copious mean?

a. a lot, large amount

b. a little, small amount

c. some

A lot


Because he chose to not do his homework; Henry had to deal with the consequences which was that he would get a zero. Consequence means.....

a. result, punishment

b. result, reward

c. good time

result, effect, outcome, aftereffect, punishment, 


The best way to describe Anna is she is ambitious: she completes all her assignments and is driven to succeed. Using context clues, what does ambitious mean?

a. lazy/doesn't want to do anything

b. tall

c. hard working/ wants to succeed

someone who works hard and is driven to succeed


Are you sure we packed enough provisions for this trip? It's important we have all the supplies we need. Using context clues what does provisions mean?

a. desks

b.  tools, things to fix things

c. supplies, things you need



The old man ambled slowly down the path while his dog walked next to him.  Using context clues, what does amble mean?

a. ran

b. jumped

c. walked



The Sahara Desert has sweltering temperatures during the day; however, at night it can be quite chilly.  Using context clues, what does scorching mean?

a.  mild, warm

b. very hot

c. very cold

very hot


The bear’s impending hibernation caused him to pack on extra pounds to keep him warm during the extremely cold winter in his dark cave. He slept for most of the season.

What does hibernation mean?

a. to be lively, activve

b. to be resting, inactive

c. to be eating

to be in a  resting state during winter (sleep)

be inactive or dormant


Water and sunlight are vital things for a plant. Without these things they would never be able to grow how they should. 

 Using context clues, what does vital mean?

a. unimportant

b. important

c. a little amount

important essential


Lou was sent to the haberdashery down the street to find a new suit. He went to that store to find one for his uncle’s wedding. 

 Using context clues, what does haberdashery mean?

a. a place where men's clothes are sold

b. a grocery store

c. a doughnut shop

a place where clothes that men usually wear are sold


It was an ordinary house. Like the one next to it, it was a regular house that didn’t stand out.  Using context clues, what does ordinary mean?

a. special, unique

b. regular, typical

c. extraordinary, awesome

regular, typical


Our last principal was very lax with the rules, unlike our new principal who enforces them all and is very strict.  Using context clues, what does lax mean?

a. strict, harsh

b. rude, mean

c. easygoing, relaxed

lenient relaxed easygoing 


The apprehensive student sat with his pencil tightly gripped in his hand as he waited for his teacher to give him his final exam. He was shaking and sweating.

What does apprehensive mean?

a. confident

b. prepared

c. nervous

nervous or anxious.
