AFI 65-601, Vol 1
Cashier/Paying Agent
Airman Handbook
Your base water supply has been compromised and is contaminated with sewage. Who establishes the requirement to provide water and/or sports drinks to those sheltered on base/working on base clean-up detail?
What is a competent medical authority.
Military Banking Facility is destroyed due to a natural disaster. How does the DO get cash to make local purchases?
DOs may draw exchange-for-cash checks payable to the DO. Funds may be obtained from other DOs, a Federal Reserve Bank (FRB), a FRB branch, or any commercial bank willing to provide the service, to include overseas Military Banking Facilities (MBFs).
A dependent is evacuated from your location and signs a lease at the safe haven with a requirement of at least 30 days "rent" but is returned to the PDS on the 20th day. Does the dependent get reimbursed for the unexpired lease (remaining 10 days)?
Yes: If a dependent signs a lease for lodging at the safe haven/designated place and is then authorized to return to the PDS or move to a designated place, reimbursement of the expenses incurred for the unexpired lease period up to 30 days may be authorized. The amount reimbursed may not exceed the amount the evacuated dependent would have received for the lodging portion of the safe haven evacuation allowances for the unexpired period.
What protects combatants and noncombatants from unnecessary suffering, and safeguards the basic rights of all civilians, any prisoners of war, the wounded, and the sick?
What is the Law of Armed Conflict.
A hurricane has hit the base. A member comes to the finance office inquiring on procedures to get paid for items lost in the storm. What do we tell the member?
Legal Office provides proper documentation. (DD Form 1842 and 1844).
A natural disaster has hit your base (we're really unlucky) and debris covers the base. Can the Commander rent additional heavy equipment to assist with clean up?
Yes, find the lowest life cycle cost. Anything other than lowest cost should only be utilized in an emergency. 10.60 covers Leasing, Renting and Leasing with Option to Purchase.
Member wants to purchase $75 worth of Foreign Currency (FC). At an exchange rate of 1.6305=$1 how much would the member get in FC?
$75 x 1.6305=$122.2875 . . . $122 to member, change annotated as a collection due to exchange rate.
What is the allowable amount of time safe haven allowances are authorized?
Chapter 6, Part A, Section 2c, Ch D: 30 days but can be extended to 150 days if authorized/approved.
"If I am captured, I will continue to resist by all means available. I will make every effort to escape and aid others to escape. I will accept neither parole nor special favors from the enemy."
What is Article III of the Code of Conduct.
What is the difference between casual and partial payment?
Casual=Can be paid by non-servicing FSO (not 4026) Partial= Paid by servicing FSO (is 4026)
You are deployed . . . CE wants to order unit patches for their deployed unit. They already have a design, they just want permission to order, what do you do?
The purchase of unit patches is authorized using APFs, if the unit patch is registered with the Air Force Historical Research Agency. The Budget Officer should take steps to either have the unit provide proof of the patch being registered or contact the Heraldry Office himself for validation. If the patch is not registered, the purchase is not authorized at this time.
Member wants to exchange 1500 in Foreign Currency for US Dollars. What do you do? (exchange rate is 1.6305) Is the member departing the area within 7 days? Can the member prove it? 1500 FC/1.6305=$919.96. Give member $919 and consider the .96 as a collection from currency exchange.
Is the member departing the area within 7 days? Can the member prove it? 1500 FC/1.6305=$919.96. Give member $919 and consider the .96 as a collection from currency exchange.
A member, his spouse and their 7 yr old son are on COT leave outside their OCONUS PDS. Due to a natural disaster the member is recalled but the family stays at the COT leave location. Are the dependents authorized per diem? (I know there's a lot of natural disasters)
Since the dependents are unable to return to Guam AB due to the evacuation they are entitled to per diem. The per diem would be effective the day they were originally scheduled to return to Guam AB.
An Airman and Family Readiness Center program that offers information, education, and personal financial counseling to help individuals and families maintain financial stability and reach their financial goals.
What is Personal Financial Management Program.
In deployed operations, what is the suggested category MIPRs should be accepted as?
What is Cat I. CAT I 448-2 is a reimbursement.
SFS calls to order replacement brassards. Armbands are required in this scenario, what do you do next?
If brassards are worn out, yes it's a valid purchase. If personnel are given the brassards and keeping them as souvenirs no, this is not a valid purchase.
Who or what specifies how often a turn-in must be accomplished?
What is the DoDFMR 7000.14-R Volume 5 only.
Member and family have been evacuated to a safe haven location. It has been 30 days since the evacuation was ordered and all military members have been ordered to return. Member returned and assessed the damage to his home. The member will now need to establish a new residence for his family and would like to know if DLA is payable.
Yes: Per Ch 6, Part A, Section 2f, 6115 DLA helps to cover the otherwise un-reimbursed expenses a member with a dependent incurs in relocating the household incident to an evacuation. When a dependent is evacuated to a designated place under par. 6090, a DLA (see Table 5G-1) is payable. DLA is also payable when return travel for a dependent is authorized under par. 6090- H from the designated place to the member’s PDS. A DLA is not payable incident to relocation of a dependent to a safe haven.
"To enable and strengthen commanders’ effectiveness and efficiency, motivate and promote military discipline, improve unit performance and management excellence up and down the chain of command, in units and staffs, as well as identify issues interfering with effectiveness, efficiency, compliance, discipline, readiness, performance, surety and management excellence."
What is the Purpose of The Air Force Inspection System.
Name the three basic principles to be concerned with under fiscal law.
What is purpose, time and amount (PTA)
Mr. Pibb was a soft drink created by the Coca-Cola Company to compete with what other soft drink?
What is Dr. Pepper.
Who was the last astronaut to land on the moon?
Who is Eugene Cernan.
What year was the first Super Bowl played?
What is 1976?
This animal has the longest tongue relative to its total size.
What is the Chameleon.
The first person to circumnavigate the globe.
Who is Ferdinand Magellan?