Whisk, Grater, Tongs
Things in the kitchen
Tractor, barn, fence
Things on a farm
Belt, Scarf, Hat
Types of clothing
Orchid, Daisy, Tulip
Types of flowers
Asparagus, Artichoke, Beet
Types of vegetables
Hose, Shovel, Wheelbarrow
Things in the garden
Towel, Sink, Mirror
Items in the bathroom
Key Card, Reception Desk, Luggage
Items at a hotel
Surprise, Confusion, Happiness
Types of Emotions
Bicycle, Motorcycle, Sailboat
Types of vehicles/transportation
Screwdriver, Pliers, Drill
Types of tools
Towel, Sandcastle, Umbrella
Items at the beach
Anchor, Sail, Life Jacket
Items on a boat
Violin, Flute, Trumpet
Types of instruments
Jazz, Classical, Raggae
Types of music
Things at the park
Slide, seesaw, sandbox
Items at the park
Seeds, Fertilizer, Pots
Items used for plants
Hexagon, Oval, Pyramid
Mars, Neptune, Saturn
Paperclip, Envelope, Hole Punch
Office supplies
Menu, Waiter, Napkin
Items at a restaurant
Stamp, Package, Postcard
Items at the post office
Sculpture, Painting, Exhibit
Items at a museum
Inch, Pound, Gallon
Types of measurements