What does the word nez (pronounced nay) mean?
What does Il est ne (pronounced eel ay nay) mean?
He is born.
What color is 'blanc'?
What does 'J'ai faim' (jhay fahm) mean?
I am hungry.
What does 'Comment t'allez-vous' (khum-uhn tah-lay voo) mean?
How are you?
What does the word pied (pronounced pee-ay) mean?
What does au soleil (oh soh-lay) and sous la pluie (soo lah ploo-ee) mean?
In the sun, in the rain.
What does 'Que ton regne vienne' (kuh tohn reh-nyuh vee-enn) mean?
Your Kingdom Come
What does 'Je voudrais une pomme' (juh voo-dray eun pum) mean?
I would like an apple.
What does 'Quelle age as-tu? (kell ahj ah too) mean?
How old are you?
What are genoux (pronounced jhu-noo)?
What does Quel temps fait-il (Kell tuhm fay teel)?
What is the weather?
What is the French word for pink?
Rose (roh-z)
How do you say 'I am thirsty' in French?
J'ai soif (jhay swaff)
How do you say "Do you know how to plant cabbages?'
Savez-vous plantez les choux (Sah-vay voo plahn-tay lay shoo)?
What are les epaules (pronounced ay-pauhl)?
What does this mean? Ma soeur n'est pas la, elle est allee au cinema (Mah seuhr nay pa la, el ayt ah-lay oh seen-ay-mah)
My sister is not here, she went to the movies.
What does 'notre pain de ce jour' (noh-truh pahn duh suh joohr) mean?
Our Daily Bread
What does 'Qu'est-ce qu'il y a a manger' (Kess keel ee ah ah mahn-jhay) mean?
What is there to eat?
What is one way to say 'How are you?'
Comment vas-tu?, Comment allez-vous?, or Comment ca va?
How do you say 'eyes'?
les yeux (pronounced lays yeuh)?
How do you say We adore you, we love you?
Nous t'adorons, nous t'aimons (noo tah-doh-rohn, noo tem-uhn)
What is the French word for the color yellow?
Jaune (pronounced jhown)
How do you say 'I love chocolate'?
J'aime le chocolat.
How do you say 'I am going to introduce you to my mother.'?
Je vais vous presenter (a) ma mere.