What's the Problem?
Body Language & Facial Expressions
Big Problem or Small Problem?
What Should I Do?
Ms Boorin Time

You and your sister are watching TV in the living room. She wants to watch an action movie, you want to watch cartoons. 

You want to watch different things.

*What can you do? 


Your friend is telling you a story and you respond like this: 

Something that your friend said was surprising or shocking or gross. 


You see someone get into a physical fight at the playground.

BIG problem.



You ask to borrow a book from a friend. Your friend says no. What should you do?

Ask to borrow it when they are finished. Say, "that's ok, maybe another time".


If Miss Boorin was getting another dog what would she name her?  Bonus points (400) if you know her current dog's name and what he looks like. 

Current Dog: Archie 


Your parents offer to take you and 2 friends out to a restaurant. You want pizza, but your other friends want tacos. 

You all want to eat different things

*What can you do to solve the problem?


Your friend is telling you a story about their day and you respond like this. 

you are bored/could fall asleep

*How does this make your friend feel?

Someone calls you by a mean name. 

Small problem

*How can we fix it?


You need to attend a meeting at school, but you don't have a ride home. What should you do?

Ask your friend to give you a ride home, call your parents

Miss Boorin forgot lunch... what is she ordering from Uber Eats?   Bonus points (200) what did she bring today? 

Sushi and today I brought a greek bowl


Your parents tell you to get involved in school and join a club. You don't like any clubs and don't want to. You only want to go home and play on the computer after school.

You don't want to get involved.

*What can you do instead?


At the basketball game, someone in the audience makes this face:

Something exciting happened

Something nerve wracking happened 

*Has this ever happened to you within conversation? 

A car accident happened on the highway!

BIG problem! 

*What can we do to fix it?


The student sitting next to you is humming very loudly making it hard for you do your work. What should you do?

Ask them politely to stop

Ask them to please hum at another time


What's Miss Boorin's favorite vacation spot? Bonus (300) Where is she going on vacation this year?

Hawaii and I am going to Italy/Canada


You and your friend have an argument. It was silly, and you realized you were wrong. You want to make it up to your friend, but they are not answering your texts.

Your friend is angry because you did something wrong.

*How can we fix the problem?


You make a joke in class, but your teacher responds like this: 

She is not happy

She does not think your joke is funny

*What should you do instead?


You missed the bus.

Small problem.

*What can we do to fix it?


Your friend was absent from school for 4 days last week. They ask to copy your homework so that they can catch-up. What can you do?

Say no

Tell them you will do the homework with them so they can learn better

Explain why it is a bad idea to copy, but they can ask for your help


What's Miss Boorin's favorite school subject?

Speech therapy, of course, then History 


You told your friend a secret because you trusted them. The next day at school, someone teased you about your secret. 

Your friend told your secret.

*What can you do to fix the problem?


Your friends invite you to a water park on the same day as your family member's birthday party. You respond: 

You are NOT happy that you can't go to the water park 

You are NOT happy to be missing the water park

You are NOT happy to go to your family member's party


You fell in a puddle and stained your pants! 

Small problem

*What can we do to fix it?


You sit at a table with 5 friends for lunch. You only invited 3 of them to your party. Now the other two are mad at you and will not talk to you. What should you do?

Speak to your other two friends, explain yourself, invite the other friends


What month is Miss Boorin's Birthday? Bonus (800) if you know the day...

