Convert 25% to a fraction. Double if you give me the simplified fraction.
25/100... Simplified = 1/4.
Convert 0.75 to a percent.
Convert 7/10 to a decimal.
What does the word "Percent" stand for?
Per 100
Convert 77% to a decimal.
Convert 0.3 as a fraction. Get double points if you give me the simplest form.
30/100... Simplified = 3/10
Convert 3/4 to a percent.
Explain the process of converting a fraction to a decimal.
Divide the numerator by the denominator.
Convert 37 1/2% to a decimal.
Convert 4.775 to a percent.
477 1/2% or 477.5%
Convert 37/50 to a percent.
Explain the process of converting a decimal to a percent.
Multiply the decimal by 100 (or move the decimal 2 places to the right).
Convert 50 1/2% to a fraction.
Convert 0.357 to a fraction.
Convert 12/22 to a decimal.
0.54 (Repeated)
Explain the process of converting a percent to a fraction.
Remove the % sign then place the number over 100.
Convert 47 3/4% to both a decimal and a fraction.
0.4775 and 47.75/100
Convert 15.55 to both a fraction and a percent.
15.55/100 and 1555%
Convert 8/3 to a decimal and a percent.
2.6 (repeated) and 266.6 (Repeated) %
If everyone in your group can show me your completed wheel worksheet from earlier this week, then you will get these points. If you don't have it, then you will lose these points.
Let's see them!!!