Convert 3/4 to a decimal and percent.
0.75 and 75%
Convert 0.4 to a fraction and percent. Simplify!
2/5 and 40%
Convert 29% to a decimal and fraction.
In a math class, 95% of the students passed the upcoming math test. Convert this percent to a decimal and fraction. Simplify!
0.95 and 19/20
Use >, < or = to compare:
0.98 ___ 3/4
0.98 > 3/4
Convert 4/5 to a decimal and percent.
0.8 and 80%
Convert 0.38 to a fraction and percent. Simplify!
19/50 and 38%.
Convert 64% to a decimal and fraction. Simplify!
0.64 and 16/25
A science class measured 1.32 milliliters of water for an experiment. Convert this measurement to a fraction and percent.
1 8/25 and 132%
Use >, <, or = to compare:
1/5 ____ 21%
1/5 < 21%
Convert 9/20 to a decimal and percent.
Convert 2.6 to a fraction and percent.
2 3/5 and 260%
Convert 38.8% to a decimal and fraction. Simplify!
0.388 and 97/250
A study shows that 25 out of 40 students like pepperoni pizza. Convert this to a decimal and percent.
0.625 and 62.5%
Use >, < or = to compare:
1.56 ____ 156%
1.56 = 156%
Convert 2 1/4 to a decimal and percent.
2.25 and 225%
Convert 1.628 into a fraction and percent. Simplify!
1 157/250 and 168.8%
Convert 198% to a decimal and fraction. Simplify!
1.98 and 1 49/50
A student is 58.3% finished with a video game. Convert this percentage to a decimal and a fraction.
0.583 and 583/1000
Use >, < or = to compare:
3/8 ___ .38
3/8 < .38
Convert -5 3/8 to a decimal and percent.
-5.375 and -537.5%
Convert -12.829 to fraction and percent.
-12 829/1000 and -1282.9%
Convert 37.82% to a decimal and a fraction. Simplify!
0.3782 and 1891/5000
A school has raised $5,380 dollars for a fundraiser. Their goal is to reach $10,000. What percent of the goal have they reached so far?
Use >, <, or = to compare:
2 4/5 ____ 279%
2 4/5 > 279%