Move the decimal 2 times to the right
What is convert a decimal to a percent
Convert 0.5 into a percent
What is 50%
Convert 3/4 into a percent
What is 75%
Convert 1/5 into a decimal
What is 20%
Order from least to greatest.
pi, 1.2, 3.1
1.2, 3.1, pi
Place the number over 100 and simplify if needed
What is convert a percent to fraction
Convert 120% into a decimal
What is 1.2
Convert 50% into a fraction
What is 1/2
Convert .4 into a fraction
What is 2/5
Order from greatest to least.
-5%, square root of 4, -0.2
square root of 4, -5%, -0.2
Move the decimal 2 times to the left
What is convert a percent to a decimal
Convert 1.85 into a percent
What is 185%
Convert 8/10 into a percent
What is 80%
Convert 1 4/8 into a decimal
What is 1.5
Order from least to greatest.
100%, -12, 8/3, square root of 16
-12, 100%, 8/3, square root of 16
Divide the numerator by the denominator
What is convert a fraction to a decimal
Convert 4 into a percent
What is 400%
Convert 100% into a fraction
Convert 1.66 into a fraction
What is 1 2/3
Order from greatest to least.
-42, -41, -38%, 32%
32%, -38%, -41, -42
Divide the numerator by the denominator. Then, move the decimal 2 times to the right.
What is convert a fraction to a percent
Convert 3.57% into a decimal
What is 0.0357
Convert 35/100 into a percent
What is 35%
Convert 2/2 into a decimal
What is 1.0
Order from least to greatest.
5/1, -1.4, 40, square root of 144, -39%
-1.4, -39%, 5/1, square root of 144, 40