Jasmine needs 22 yards of material to make drapes, but the fabric store sells material by the meter. I f 1 yard equals about 0.91 meters, how many meters of material does Jasmine need to make the drapes.
What is 20.02 meters?
If 1 teaspoon is 5 milliliters, how many teaspoons are equal to 32 milliliters? Express your answer as a decimal.
What is 6.4 teaspoons? 

6.4 = 6 2/5

Sadie was measuring a bug in her science class. The bug measured 1.4 inches. If 1 millimeter=0.04 inches, how many millimeter long is the bug?
What is 35 milliliters?
If 1 quart equals 0.946 liters, about how many liters are needed to fill a gallon jug. Round to the hundredth place.
What is 3.78 liters?
A scientist measured 18 grams of a substance for an experiment. If 1 ounce equals 28.3 grams, how many ounces of the substance did the scientist measure? Round to the hundredths.
What is 0.64 ounces?
If 1 meter=2.38 feet, about how many meters would a swimmer swim if they swam 500 feet? Round to the nearest meter.
What is 210 meters?
To make fruit punch, Yosef needs 3.75 liters of orange juice. Yosef knows that 2 cups equal about 0.5 liters. How many cups of orange juice does he need to make the fruit punch?
What is 15 cups?
If 1 pound= 0.454 kilograms, about how many kilograms would a 7th grade weigh if she weighs 85 pounds? Round to the nearest kilogram.
What is 39 kilograms?
At a middle school, the long jump record is 4.5 meters. If 1 meter equals 3.3 feet, what is the school’s long jump record in feet?
What is 14.85 feet?
A physician knows that 1 inch is equal to 2.54 centimeter's. He will need a needle 7.5 cm long to take a bone marrow sample. The needle is equal to how many inches? Round to the nearest inch.
What is 3 inches?
While in Canada, Carlos bought a souvenir that is 14.5 centimeters long. She knows that 1 inch equals 2.54 centimeters. What is the length of the souvenir in inches? Round your answer to the hundredths place.
What is 5.71 inches.
About how many centimeters are in 5 feet, if 1 inch= 2.54 centimeters? 
What is 152.4 centimeters?
A gold bar has a mass of 11.3 kilograms, or about 400 ounces. Based on this information, what is the mass, in kilograms, of a 10-ounce nugget of cold cut from the gold bar?
What is .28 kilograms ?
Monica bought a 2-liter bottle of juice. She knows that 1 liter equals about 33.8 fluid ounces. How many 8-ounce glasses can Chandra completely fill using the 2 liters of juice?
What is 8 glasses?
A rectangular picture frame measures 12 inches by 22 inches . 1 inch equals 2.54 centimeters, the dimensions of the picture frame in centimeters would be...
What is 30.48 centimeters by 55.88 centimeters?
Gabby is making belts, she uses 54 inches of ribbon to make each belt. How many yards of ribbon does Tracey need to make 6 belts? 
What is 9 yards? 
A patient drank 6 ounces of juice, 3 cups of water, and half a pint of milk. If 1 cup is equal to 29.6 milliliters, what was the total intake in milliliters?
What is 140.6 milliliters?
The cost of shipping a package is $2.75 per pound. Jeremy wants to ship a package with a mass of 15 kilograms. How much will it cost to ship the package? 1 kg=2.2 pounds.
What is $90.75?
If 1 cup equals 240 milliliters, about how many cups would be needed to fill a 1 liter pitcher?Round to the hundredths.
What is 4.17 cups?
A rectangular picture frame measures 12 inches by 22 inches . 1 inch equals 2.54 centimeters, the area of the picture frame in centimeters rounded to the hundredths.
What is 1703.22 square centimeters?
Julianna rode her bike 2300 meters last weekend. Pj rode 32 kilometers. Who rode there bike farther?
What is PJ?
A cow’s stomach produces about 20 cups of milk each day. If one liter equals 4.2 cups, how many liters does the cow produce per week? Round to the hundredths place.
What is 4.76 liters?
Benjamin’s acheii’s house is 124 miles from his house. If 1 kilometer is 0.62 miles, how many kilometers is the trip to his house?
What is 200 kilometers?
If 1-liter=1.057 quarts, about how many liters are in 1 gallon of milk? Round to the nearest hundredth.
What is 3.78 liters?
The Amazon River, one of the longest rivers in the world, is about 6400 kilometers long. If 1 mile equals 1.6 kilometers, what is the length of the Amazon River in miles?
What is 4000 miles?