Name the 5 campus core values IN ORDER
What kind of assignment will you do at the end of each ILA unit?
PBA (performance based assessment)
If you are absent, you don't have to do anything
How many times a week should you have something to read?
Every single day
What is Conway's favorite story?
Harry Potter!
How long should a student be in the bathroom, missing class?
2 minutes or less
Where should you turn in your work?
in your class period tray by the door
If you are absent, where can you find your absent work?
In the Absent folder by the door
When are you allowed to use WIRED headphones?
when specifically instructed by Conway for an activity
What's the first thing you should do when entering the classroom?
Look at the screen to have your materials ready.
If class started at 8:25, and a student asks for a bathroom break at 8:30, is that okay? (non-emergency)
NO: 10x10 rule (20x20 on block days)
PCs (progress checks) don't matter because they're not calculated in your average
When you have absent work, what should you do with it?
Use the checklist to make sure each task is completed.
How many times can you forget your supplies (including a charged chromebook) before Conway contacts your adults?
two times
When is food allowed in the classroom?
When you have permission to exit the classroom, you should...
Sign out by the door, take the correct lanyard, return in 2 minutes or less
If you are reassessing an AOL, what is the highest grade you can receive?
If you are absent, it would be a good idea to attend...
Tutorials or Cougar Den
Where do your backpacks go during class time?
on the counter, like books on a shelf
What are 2 things about the classroom that will drive Conway absolutely BONKERS?
wandering around before the bell, not getting prepared with materials
moving the chairs
Why should you care about PRIDE?
PBIS points
being good humans
You want to reassess on a weighted grade (AOL). What 3 steps must happen?
Complete any missing work, attend reteach tutorials, reassess
If you are absent, how many days do you have to make up your assignments?
1 day for each day absent
Ex: absent 2 days, you have 2 days to get caught up
What 5 things do you need for ILA every day?
Book to read
Charged Chromebook
If you want/need to email Conway, you should... Name 4 things.
include your name and class
include a greeting
include a subject line
use good manners when making requests or asking questions