Nothing here.
trick 2
An answer is here.
Own X cursors to get octillion fingers.
Own 400 cursors.
Name the achievement when you get 7 grandma types.
What are golden cookies?
Clickable objects in Cookie Clicker that occasionally show up on the screen in a random position during normal gameplay.
How much time does it take for a sugar lump to fall?
1 day.
Bake 1 quintillion cookies in one ascension to get what achievement?
Immortal bakery.
Reverse dementia is a mine or grandma upgrade?
A grandma upgrade.
How do you start STAGE ONE of the grandmapocalypse?
Buy One Mind.
How often do golden cookies appear without upgrades?
Roughly every minute.
Lump Types: When do meaty sugar lumps appear?
During the grandmapocalypes.
How are achievements and upgrades related?
Sometimes when you get an achievement you get an upgrade
Own X farms to get wheat triffids.
Own 250 farms.
How do you start STAGE TWO of the grandmapocalypse?
Buy Communal Brainsweep.
How many golden cookie upgrades are there?
If a sugar lump has matured but is not ripe, it's a X/X chance you will get one
It's a 50/50 chance.
Is There's really no hard limit to how long these achievement names can be and to be quite honest I'm rather curious to see how far we can go.
Adolphus W. Green (1844–1917) started as the Principal of the Groton School in 1864. By 1865, he became second assistant librarian at the New York Mercantile Library; from 1867 to 1869, he was promoted to full librarian. From 1869 to 1873, he worked for Evarts, Southmayd & Choate, a law firm co-founded by William M. Evarts, Charles Ferdinand Southmayd and Joseph Hodges Choate. He was admitted to the New York State Bar Association in 1873.
Anyway, how's your day been? an achievement?
Trick you backwards!
Trick 1
!sdrawkcab uoy kcirT
How do you start STAGE THREE of the grandmapocalypse?
Buy Elder Pact.
How much are golden cookies worth
15% of cookies banked + 13 or 15 minutes worth of cookies (CpS * 900) + 13,
Whichever gives less.
If you were to upgrade every single building to level 10, how many sugar lumps would you need?
1100 sugar lumps.
Is Cookies go away to a galaxy that is far, far away to nothing in a worm in a hole that talks! an achievement?
Own 250 factories to get what upgrade
78-hour days.
To unlock double-thick glasses you have to own how many grandmas?
Own 100 grandmas.
Describe a frenzy
Golden Cookie + Sugar Lump=_____________.
Golden Sugar Lump.