True or False: Is it ok to sell cookies alone?
What is False.
I'm the best selling cookie and happen to be vegan friendly
What is a Thin Mint?
If someone does not buy cookies, what do you say?
What is "Thank You"
The founder of Girl Scouts.
Who is Juliette Gordon Low?
Price for one box of Thin Mints
What is $5.00?
The time of day when we sell cookies to our customers, even if they are vampires.
What is during the daytime?
I come in the red box.
What are Tag-a-longs?
If a person says they do not have cash, what other option do they have to pay?
What is credit cards? (in digital cookie)
The longest selling cookie in the cookie lineup.
What is a Trefoil?
The price for specialty cookies: S'mores & Toffee-Tastic
What is $6.00?
Two areas we never enter while selling cookies.
What is inside homes and cars?
Which cookie is made with peanut butter in between two oatmeal sandwich cookies?
What are Do-Si-Do's
If a person does not eat cookies but wants to support girl scouts, what can they do?
What is donate cookies to the military?
What did Juliette do every year on her birthday?
What is stand on her head?
Grandma would like 3 boxes of Thin Mints. She gives you a $20 dollar bill. What is her change?
What is five dollars
What you can wear to identify yourself as a Girl Scouts while selling cookies.
What is Girl Scout uniform/vest?
I am the only gluten free cookie in the line up
What is a Toffee-Tastic?
If somebody asks for Savannah Smiles, what might you suggest to them as an alternative?
What is Lemon-ups
First year of Girl Scout Cookie Sales
What is 1917?
The amount of money you collect when your customer buys 2 Thin Mints, 2 Samoas and 1 S'mores.
What is $26.00?
True or False, When selling online you can post your digital sale link for anyone to order?
What is False. You can post on private groups or to friends and family, but not to the general public or marketplace groups.
These are the names of the 8 cookies we are selling this year?
What are Lemon-Ups, Trefoils, Do-Si-Dos, Samoas, Tagalongs, Thin Mints, S'mores, Toffee-Tastic
True or False: It is okay to run around, goof off, scream, or wander more than 6 feet from a cookie booth?
What is False?
True or False: in 1992 girl scout cookies went to space?
What is True?
A customer orders $26.00 worth of cookies at a booth. They give you $40.00.They tell you they only want $10.00 back and the rest they would like to donate to our troop. How much money should be out into our donation bucket?
What is $4.00?