How many cookies get shielded from Custard Cookie's skill
Who was the first cookie to get their appearance changed on release to Cookie run kingdom?
Cream Puff Cookie
Who taught Milk Cookie to remove any kind of stain?
Black Berry Cookie
This cookie has met Crimson Coral Cookie in a cave
Coral Cookie
these two cookies were supposed to be pets
Angel Cookie and Devil Cookie
"Jokes I hate jokes" who says this?
Half-Avocado Cookie
What cookie won cookie of the year for 2024
Mystic Flour Cookie
What Cookie was released along side the Disney Cookies
Cream Unicorn cookie
This Npc appears in the Hollyberry kingdom she holds a fan and is dark red she is also one of the cookies trying out to be the princess
Cranberry Cookie
Name the first three cookies to get magic candies in kingdom
Vampire,Espresso,Purple Yam
What is Wizard Cookie's rarity in Cookie run ovenbreak?
Who did Pinecone Cookie throw a Pine cone at?
Carol Cookie
This Cookie was the first super epic
Clotted Cream Cookie
This character saved people from a blackhole
Space Donut Cookie
What cookie was released on kingdoms second anniversary
Moonlight Cookie
This cookie has been in many mainline Cookie run games and was in the old cookie run kingdom trailer how ever they are still not released in crk
What cookie was released with Sonic cookie and tails Cookie
Moon Rabbit Cookie
This was the first Cookie to give rewards in your kingdom
Prophet Cookie
This cookie was supposed to get a video about their hair jell
Dark Choco Cookie
What cookie got their magic candy leaked 3 times
Milkyway cookie
This cookie is related to happiness
Eternal Sugar Cookie
This Cookie did the Ariel pose
Sorbet Shark Cookie
How many cookies were in Tizzwly's gang
This cookie loves hard work and thinks everyone should work
Carrot Cookie
This cookie was OP in the first season of Error busters
Fettuccine Cookie