Thin Mint
Juliette Gordon Low
Who is the founder of Girl Scouts
What is the cost of a box of cookies?
Rowan wants to become a Cookie CEO in order to she must sell 850 boxes. This is an example of what?
Goal Setting
3 types of Habitats.
Forest, Ocean, Desert, Wetlands, Grasslands, Artic.
Looks like a doughnut
Savannah Georgia
Where is Girl Scout Head Quarters
How many boxes are in a case
There is 2 Cookie Booth locations your troop wants to sell at. You flip a coin and end up choosing to do one location before the other. What is this an example of?
Decision Making
How many pounds of trash we cleaned off the beach
85 lbs
Peanut Butter Sandwich
Pearl Necklace
What JGL sold to keep the Offices in New York.
Samoas, Thin Mints, Tagalongs
What are the Top Selling Cookies?
A customer gives you $10 for a box of cookies and tells you to keep the change. The $4 goes toward Gift of Caring Donations. What is this an example of?
Money Managment
What is an endangered species on Kauai
Monk Seal, Green Sea Turtle, Native Birds
Last year to buy
when was girl scouts founded?
What cookies are Gluten Free?
Willow and Kailani practice their perfect pitch for getting customers to by Smores before they sell out. This is an example of what?
People Skills
What is the biggest threat to our native Bird Speices?
Original Cookie
The only council that was sponsored by royalty
Field Trips, Service Projects, Camping
Where does the Money go?
A customer asks Vivienne if they can take cookies now and pay later. Vivienne tells the customer they must pay before we hand them cookies. This is an example of what?
Business Ethics
Why does Hawaii require animals to be screened and vaccinated before moving here?
To prevent the spread of Rabies, lyme and other diseases that don't exist on Hawaii.