Things with syrup?
what is pancakes, french toast, and waffles.
5 types of cookies?
what is snickerdoodle, chocolate, etc
what is your favorite dessert?
what is ____
what is a sandwich with cheese and is fried in a pan?
what is a grilled cheese sandwich.
what course that has lettuce in it is usually served before the main course.
what is salad
what kinds of main meats are served with breakfast
what is bacon, ham, sausage.
what is something with layers
what is cakes
what is your favorite comfort food?
what is _____
what time is dinner eaten?
what is evening
what utensils go on the sides of the plate, used for eating.
What is fork, knife and spoon
Name 3 main ways to cook eggs for breakfast.
what is scrambled, over easy, and poached.
what has frosting
what is cake, cookies, cupcakes, etc
what is your favorite snack?
what is ____
name 3 vegetables that are served with dinner?
what is corn, peas, broccoli, cauliflower, carrots, green beans, asparagus, etc.
Something with chips, cheese, and maybe more?
What is nachos
what is a quiche?
what is breakfast dish made with eggs, other things, and cooked like a pie.
what is your ________ treat?
what is favorite
what is your favorite tool to use while cooking?
what is a _____
3 different kinds of meats?
what is chicken, beef, fish, pork, duck, and pig.
what dish is served after the main course?
what is dessert
what does it mean to braise?
what is a method of cooking.
you need _____________ to make something rise
what is baking soda and baking powder
what is your favorite thing to cook?
what is _____
what is an Italian dish that has bread on the bottom.
what is pizza.
what is the traditional for beef.
what is potatoes.