Cooking Terms
Cleanliness & Sanitation
Eating Healthy
Food Handling
Food Prep & Meal Planning

What does drying mean in cooking?

It is the removal of water by evaporation


Why do we need to use soap while washing our hands?

To wash off the germs that stick to the natural oils on our skin, the soap helps to remove them, water alone does not do it


What does eating good carbs do for us?

Burns calories,feel fuller longer,does not spike sugar levels, helps to lose fat


Name steps 1 & 2 for washing your hands properly?

Step 1- turn tap on

Step 2- Squirt soap into hands


Name a common spice that we use?

Salt, black pepper, garlic, ginger cinnamon, bay leaves, oregano, nutmeg, all spice, chili flakes, turmeric, basil, onion flakes, cardom, cilantro,cloves, rosemary, herbs, chili powder, parmesan, thyme, italian seasoning, kosher salt, coriander


What does fermentation mean in cooking?

Adds good bacteria like yeast that changes sugars into acids, through the aging process


Why does soap need to be rinsed off?

 Soap has its own germs, that need to be rinsed off


What does eating bad carbs do to us?

Makes us hungry all the time, does not burn calories, is addictive, causes sugar cravings, turns to fat, gives us high sugar levels, stores fat


Name steps 3 & 4 for washing your hands properly?

Rub palms, top of hand, between each finger sides of each and wrist

Step 3-massage saop into a lather

Step 4- rub palms, top of hand,between each finger,sides of each hand and wrists


Name the 5 food groups we should be eating from for healthy eating?

Meat, dairy, grain, fruits, vegetables


What does julienne mean in cooking?

To cut food into long strips


Why do our clothes need to be clean?

Clothes pick up smells and germs, and you do not want the germs to multiply


Name some health benefits of eating carbs? [Name 2]

Gives engery, sleep better, prevents diseases, controls weight, keeps memory sharp, uplifts mood, provides fiber, prevents blood clots, improves digestive system


Name steps 5  for washing hands properly?

Step 5-rub vigorously to the song Happy Birthday


What is the most important meal of the day?



What does the term kneading mean in cooking?

Massaging dough with palm of hands in a back and forth motion until smooth


Name some safety rules we use in the kitchen as cooks? 

 Wearing a solid shoe,  throwing away anything that lands on the floor, wearing gloves, cupboards closed, cleaning up spills, no horseplay in the kitchen,keeping work area clean, washing all fruits a & vegetables cleaning items after each use, hand washing after handling eggs, Carrying sharp knife with blade downward, using oven mitts


How do I know when I am eating too many carbs?

Gain weight, brain fog, anxious, tired, depressed, loss of eating control, lightheaded, irritable, energy is up  and down, crave startchy foods


Name step 6 for washing hands properly?

Step 6- rinse both hands and under nails, do not touch anything


Name a healthy food option for breakfast?

Oatmeal with fruit, eggs, bananas, berries, grapefruit, nuts, nut butter, avocado, whole grain toast, greek yogurt


What does the term peeling mean in cooking?

Removing of the outer skin of fruits or vegetables with a knife or vegetable peeler


Name some cleanliness habits for the kitchen?

Nails cleaned, no fingernail polish, bandaids over cuts and gloves, clean apron,hats & nets for hair and beards, not touching body parts, not wearing jewerly


What diseases are caused by eating too many carbs?

Weight gain, type 2 diabetes, coronary artery disease, hypertension, stroke, kidney disease


Name Step 7 for washing hands properly?

Step 8- get 3 sheets of paper towel, dry hands, turn off tap with paper towel the throw in garbage


What should be your largest meal of the day?

