True or false. All recipes have to be followed exactly?
What is false
You want to plan a healthy breakfast. A good rule of thumb us to include how many food groups??
What is at least three
True or false: You should always compare retail price to be sure you're getting the best deal.
What is false. You want to comapre unit prices to make sure you compare "apples to apples"
Give an example of a healthy verses less healthy choice (or "everyday" verses "sometimes" food) within the fruits group?
What is apples vs apple pie?
We should wash our hands with soap and warm water for at least this long?
What is 20 secs
You decide to make a dish that calls for bell peppers. You gather all of your ingredients but you realize you don't have bell peppers. You don't have time to go to the store. What do you do?
What is use another vegetable or leave it out?
Give one example of a heathy snack that you could plan and make at home?
You find a bulk bag of apples with a lower unit price than loose apples. You are trying to determine whether this is a good buy. Name two things you might consider other than price.
What is wheather you can use up the apples before they go bad, how long the apples will last, whether you have enough storage space, different ways you can prepare apples so you or your family won't grow tired of them.
If a food is a whole grain, a whole grain ingredient will be listed where on the ingredients list?
Name one way to thaw frozen food safetly.
What is In the refrigerator, in the micowave, or submerge in cold water
Name one reason you would want to use mise en place?
What is save time when cooking, to make sure you have everything you need before you start, to prevent mistakes later.
What are two benefits of planning a meal in advance?
What is you don't waste ingredients you have on hand; you can stretch the ingredients across meals; you save time during the week; less food waste
You're in the Dairy aisle. Name two nutrients you would want to pay particular attention to on the label (in order to limit these nutrients)?
What is saturated fats and added sugars
Yogurt Nutrition Facts Label Example
4 Servings per container
Serving Size: 1 cup (227 g)
Amount per seving - Calories: 280
What is the amount of calories for the whole item?
What is 1,120 calories
How do you cut round foods, like an onion, safely?
What is Cut in half to create a flat surface
Name one type of meal you could make using a "framework" instead of an exact recipe?
What is pasta dish, stir-fry or cassrole
It's "clear the pantry night" name three items you might want to have in your pantry at all times to create a nutritious meal?
What is canned beans, canned fruit, canned vegetables, whole grain pasta, brown rice, nuts, oils, canned seafood
Name two ways to save money on fruits and vegetables
What is compare prices for fresh, frozen, and canned produce; buy fresh produce in season; pruchase produce in its most whole form.
True or False. We know that wheat bread is a whole grain.
The safest way to ensure that meat or polutry is fully cooked is to use this
What is a food thermometer
What's one of the most important things we can do to prevent the spread of foodborne illness when cooking?
What is wash our hands.
Name two menu planning tricks or tips
What is cook once, eat twice (meal prepping); taking sotck of ingredient you have on hand; planning to use leftover vegetables in another meal
Name two ways you can save money on food before you even enter the store?
Give two examples of foods from the protein group that are lower in "saturated fat"?
What is bean, lentils, nuts, salmon, chicken without skin
Jen only has one cutting board. She needs to use it to cut both the vegetables and the meat. What should she do?
What is cut the vegetables first, then transfer them to a plate while she cuts the meat. Or, cut the meat first and sanitize the cutting board thoroughly before cutting the vegetables.