Is he 20ft taller than Kelvin
Shortest boy in the world
Is Neliyah tall
yes she is a gaint
How tall is shorty
Is he smart
Big Girl Nerd
Does he like call of duty
Is she smart
For average person yes
Is he cracked at fortnite
No he is a big bot
Does she like the school
Is he the tallest person you know
"he is the tallest person in the world"Kelvin
Is she better at fortnite than kelvin
Fun Fact:She could box him like nemo
is he smart
Compared to a rock yes
Does she wish she was tall
Is he better than Kelvin at fortnite
Sure is Kelvin is garbage
Is she greeder than a pig
Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyyyy more
Is he shorter than cell yes
Middle Name
Does he know Nick Eh 30
Does she have a twin and what is his middle name
Middle Name:Mardle
Can he go on a diet.
if he tried he would right on spot pass out
IS she tall
Taller than Kelvin