This giggling red monster was the hit of the holidays as the best-selling Christmas toy of 1996.
What is Tickle Me Elmo?
What runs around the whole yard without moving?
A fence
What does the car company BMW stand for in English?
Bavarian Motor Works
During the holidays, this famous New York City landmark features a colossal Christmas tree and a popular ice-skating rink.
What is Rockefeller Center?
What is seen in the middle of March and April that can't be seen at the beginning or end of either month?
The letter R
What was the name of the first artificial satellite launched into space?
Spitnik 1
It takes this many years for a pine tree to grow to an acceptable Christmas tree height.
What is 15
What has 4 legs and only one foot
A bed
Which dog breed was traditionally kept by monks in the Swiss Alps to find lost travelers?
Saint bernard
This 2004 animated Christmas feature was an adaptation of an illustrated storybook by Chris Van Allsburg, the same author who created “Jumanji.”
What is “The Polar Express”?
If two’s company, and three’s a crowd, what are four and five?
What is the only bird that can fly backward?