This is what the candidate needs to do before the coordinator can send the background
What is accept the offer/offer decision?
When this search is the only thing in “consider” on a background, no 2nd level review is needed
What is VOE?
This is how long the candidate has to dispute before the adverse is sent
What is 5 business days?
You send this communication to your manager and your coworker before you go on vacation
What is out of office?
This document is what the coordinators use to ensure the right background package is sent to the candidate
What is the job code audit?
This background piece always requires the background to be sent for 2nd level
What is credit?
Once a pre-adverse is sent to a candidate, this is what the coordinator puts into the Sterling profile
What are pre-adverse comments?
This day is when the weekly background in process notification sent
What are Fridays?
When add-ons are required for internals, this is what you need to do
What is manually requesting a background in Sterling?
This length of DOT always needs 2nd level
What are DOTs less than 1-year?
This is how long Sterling has to resolve a dispute once initiated
What is 30 days?
This is where the background completed/next steps communication is sent to the new hire
What is Workday?
Because of this, the background task will go to the recruiter instead of the coordinator when trying to submit the background in Workday
What is not being on the req?
This type of drug screen result didn’t pass, and wasn't lost, but doesn’t need a 2nd level to send another attempt
What is a dilute drug screening?
If an adverse is sent to a candidate that has been pushed to hired, you do this prior to the candidate start date
What is informing the recruiter to undo hire?
In Fleet, this is when the start date is confirmed
When is after background clearance?