Counseling Skills
Self-Care Strategies
Campus Resources
Crisis Response

How do you validate someone's feelings?

By acknowledging their emotions without judgement, and reassuring them that their feelings are understandable/they matter.


Name one form of self-care.

Some examples include: exercise, meditation, reading, taking a shower, listening to music, or spending time with others


What does COPE stand for?

Counseling Outreach Peer Educators


Where is Counseling Services located on campus?

Mary Walker


What is the first step to take when responding to a person in crisis?

Ensure the immediate safety of the person and anyone around them (including yourself), and assess the situation to determine the appropriate response or intervention needed.


What is the primary goal of mental health outreach?

To increase awareness about mental health issues and overall well-being, promote services, and encourage people/students to seek help when needed.


What are the benefits of journaling?

Journaling helps to organize thoughts, process emotions, reduce stress, and provides a healthy outlet for self-expression.


What are the 4 teams on COPE?

Events, Communications, Social Media, Care


What is the online community used to support mental health on campus?



What is a grounding technique?

A coping strategy that helps to bring someone's focus back to the present moment during times of anxiety/distress. Often, sensory inputs including the 5 senses are used to help bring back focus.


What are open-ended questions?

Questions that are asked to help open up the conversation. E.g. "How are you feeling today?"


What is mindfulness?

Mindfulness is focusing one's attention on the present moment, while acknowledging and accepting their feelings, thoughts, and bodily sensations in said moment.


What is the purpose of COPE?

COPE creates a bridge between students and mental health services. Some examples of what we do:

–represent outreach for mental health education

–present to students and faculty about mental health

–provide spaces for students to find support thru verbal/nonverbal events

–develop new, creative avenues for discussing mental health on campus

–destigmatize mental health: modeling the process, assisting students to counseling services, creating media to improve accessibility


What is Tea Talk?

A weekly drop-in space where COPE connects with students, usually through a tabling activity, and also answer questions and listen to student needs.


What are some steps to take if someone is in distress?

Listen without judgment, validate their feelings, stay calm, offer support, and refer them to professional help if necessary.


What is unconditional positive regard?

Accepting and respecting others as they are without judgement.


What are common signs of burnout?

Common signs of burnout include fatigue, irritability, decreased productivity, feelings of detachment, or physical symptoms such as headaches or problems sleeping.


In what ways does COPE provide mental health outreach on campus?

–tabling events



–collaborations with other organizations for events

–social media


What other groups/departments on campus are associated with mental health, wellbeing, prevention?

Title IX, Campus Recreation, AOD, OzPeerEds, Accessibility Resources, Active Minds, Psychology Club, etc.

Any others?


What should you avoid doing when someone is in crisis?

Avoid judgment, being dismissive, or making assumptions about their situation. Avoid giving unsolicited advice, or making decisions for them without their input.


What is active listening?

A communication technique where the listener fully concentrates, understands, responds, and remembers what is being said (i.e. paraphrasing, reflecting, SOLER)


What is the importance of setting boundaries?

Setting boundaries allows you to protect your time and energy, helps to reduce stress, and ensures that you maintain a healthy balance between your personal life and other aspects/people in your life.


If you were to create a mental health workshop/presentation/event/tabling activity, what would it be and why?

Great idea!


Name an activity/resource Counseling Services provides for students who need support with mental health, other than individual counseling sessions.

Workshops: e.g. "Anxiety Toolbox"

Groups: e.g. "Disability Pride"

Space: Harmony Center


What role do crisis hotlines play in crisis intervention?

They provide immediate support, guidance, and resources to individuals in distress, helping them to navigate their situation, and connect with professional help if needed.
