true or false
Postive/Negative Coping
What is Stress?
Open Up!

Coping skills can be both positive and negative

True. Tell me one of each.


The act of avoiding and distancing yourself from the community and others is called what?



The ______ or ______ response is enacted when someone is under stress.

Fight or Flight


Joe is feeling really sad and wants to go to his room and not talk to anyone. Joe takes a 5 hour nap and then carries on with his day yet still feels sad, he wants to go to his room again and isolate.. what should be do instead??

reach out to his support system, go for a walk, do a hobbie he enjoys..ect.


Name one positive and one negative coping skill you use.

Name one positive and one negative coping skill you use.


No thought or feeling is wrong in itself, it is what we do with it that really counts.

True. Explain.


What are coping skills?

Something a person uses or does to calm down or control their emotions. Give example.


Stress is a normal part of life that can either help us learn and grow or can cause us significant problems.

True. Explain.


Karen is feeling very overwhelmed and would like to go for a walk, yet it is raining out. Karen decides to take an extra dose of her anti depressants to help feel better. Karen starts to feel off and get dizzy... Karen should do what?

Call someone for help, Call 9-1-1. What is something she could have done instead?


Three of my positive qualities are??

Three of my positive qualities are??


Going on a walk and thinking about the situation that makes me stressed or upset is the best way to relieve those feelings?

FALSE!! Why?


What do you call a network of people who provide an individual with practical or emotional support

Support System. Who is in yours?


How can stress be a good thing?

Causes you to be more alert and gives you energy to get things done.  In emergency situations, stress can save your life—giving you extra strength to defend yourself. Stress can also help you rise to meet challenges


Your boyfriend has cheated on you and keeps calling your phone over and over... what is a healthy way to deal with this situation?

Tell them you need space and block their number.


Name 3 stresses in your life and how you can cope with them?

Name 3 stresses in your life and how you can cope with them?


Blaming yourself for your stress is the best way to accept the reality and move forward!

FALSE! If you're blaming yourself, ask "How did other people contribute to this problem?” When you’re blaming others, think "How did I contribute to the problem?” This can help you see your situation more realistically. Agree or Disagree? Why?


What is relieving emotional distress by writing down your thoughts and feelings?

What is Journaling. Do you practice this in some way?


What are risk factors for unmanageable stress?

Lack of adequate social support, anxiety, depression, digestive problems, headaches, heart disease, sleep problems, weight gain, memory and concentration issues, substance abuse, lack of healthy coping skills, trauma.


JoAnn has been battling depression for many years and does not understand the impact it has on her life. JoAnn has many self doubts and no goals. JoAnn has the mind-frame of "why does it matter." What coping skills can she use to help boost herself esteem and find her self worth?

find hobbies, interact with others in the community, develop a support system, volunteer...ect.


What are you most proud of about yourself?

What are you most proud of about yourself?


All stress is out of your control

FALSE! Explain


Ignoring the issue and refusing to address it

Avoidance. Do you do this?


What is the emotional, mental and physical exhaustions that results from having to cope with stressful demands?



Kurt lives alone in a small town, Kurt is unable to drive and does not have many friends. Kurt struggles with being happy and lacks interest in many things due to the idea he is lonely. What can Kurt to do cope with his situation?

Use public transportation, join local community groups, devevlop a hobby, volunteer..ect


What is your favorite hobby or activity?

What is your favorite hobby or activity?
