Positive Coping Skills
Reasons to Cope
Negative Coping

Recreational therapists use this specific therapy that requires a body of water and can increase buoyancy, muscle building, endurance, and increase range of motion. 

What is Aquatic Therapy? 


This happens when our bodies perceive a situation as a threat and releases the hormones known as adrenaline and cortisol creating the "fight or flight" response resulting in increased circulation, breathing, and tense muscles. 

What is stress? 


Coping skills always require intense physical involvement. 

What is false? 


This negative coping skill requires a person to take medication that is not prescribed to them or overindulge in addictive substance like alcohol, resulting in harm to self and/or others. 

What is substance abuse/addiction?


What's the best thing about Switzerland? 

I don't know, but the flag is a big plus. 


This type of therapy uses dogs, cats, and other animals to help a person work through anxiety, depression, loneliness, and increased participation in social settings. 

What is "Pet Therapy"; Animal Assisted Therapy; Pet-Assisted Therapy? 


This is considered a secondary emotion and if not managed can result in physical and mental harm to a person or the people around them. 

What are anger issues? 


Coping skills can overlap and help a person physically, mentally/emotionally, socially, psychologically. 

What is True? 


This negative coping skill is when a person avoids social contact, even friends and family, to avoid stress and triggers. 

What is self-isolation? 


Why don't scientists trust atoms? 

Because they make up everything. 


This coping skill is defined as the use of planting and growing plants to reduce stress and provide sensory exposure. 

What is Horticulture Therapy/Gardening?


A condition that causes restrictions of a person's mobility making it more difficult for them to participate in certain activities. 

What is a physical disability? 


Coping skills require a disability in order to be helpful to a person. 

What is false? 


This negative thinking style happens when a person thoughts deal in absolutes and is common for people with depression, anxiety, panic disorders, and low self-esteem. 

Example: If I cannot pass this exam, then I am a complete failure. 

What is "all or nothing" thinking?


What does a nosy pepper do? 

Gets jalapeño business. 


These types of coping skills are focused on the Mind-Body connection used to reduce stress, increase balance and range of motion, and practice breathing regulation. 

What is Yoga, Mindfulness, Tai Chi, Qigong, Grounding techniques?


This can result from an imbalance in hormones from the body creating a change in emotions, thoughts, and behaviors and require, coping skills, licensed therapist, and medication

What is mental illness? 


Coping skills can be used along side prescribed medication to help a person develop a healthy lifestyle. 

What is true? 


In excess, this negative coping skill can take away a person's money/savings by betting on games of chance like Poker, Blackjack, Roulette, and Rummy. 

What is gambling? 


What did the cowboy say when his dog ran away? 

Well, doggone! 


These coping skills can be used in everyday life that you each utilize. (List at least two.)

What is running, journaling, listen to music, video games, drawing, coloring, therapy, talk with a friend, read a book, stretches, dance, read something funny, laugh, unplug from electronics, go on a drive, etc. 

*As determined by the recreational therapist. 


This virus has created a world wide pandemic beginning in the year 2020, requiring everyone to stay home, wear masks, and resulted in increased reports of depression and anxiety. 

What is COVID-19? 


Coping skills can be done with family, friends, or by yourself. 

What is true? 


This negative coping skill focuses on eating too much or too little/an unhealthy amount in order to feel in control of their body/situation. 

What is an Eating Disorder? 


When does a joke become a "dad" joke?

When it becomes apparent. 
