True or False
At home
At school
Coping skills

Throwing things when becoming angry is a good way of expressing your anger? True or False?



Name 1 coping skill you can use if your parent says you are not allowed to do something you really wanted to do?

Take deep breaths, find something else to do, try to find a compromise, think positive thoughts, find a distraction.


Name 1 coping skill you could use if you are asked to do an assignment/subject you do not enjoy and become frustrated.

Ask for a break, take deep breaths, ask to work on something else, think positive thoughts, say kind words to yourself.


What is a coping skill?

Something you do to calm down.


What is a good way to let anger out?

Exercise, writing, drawing, taking deep breaths, talk to someone you trust

When frustrated with an problem at school, it is okay to take a break for a few minutes. True or false?



Name 2 positive coping skills you could use if your sibling hits you.

Take a deep breath, walk away, tell a parent/guardian, use "I" statements to express feelings, try talking to them


Name 2 coping skills you can use if the teacher says something you do not like.

Use a calm down jar, ask for a break, take deep breaths, find a distraction, use "I" statements to practice expressing feelings, write down feelings.


Is everyone's coping skills the same?

No; people may use similar coping skills, but just because it works for me doesn't mean it will work for you. 


How does our body sometimes warn us that we are becoming angry?

What is knots in your stomach, clenching your hands or jaw, feeling clammy or flushed, breathing faster, headaches, pacing or needing to walk around “seeing red, "having trouble concentrating, pounding heart, tensing your shoulders


When you have a lot of energy and are having a hard time sitting down, it is okay to get up and walk around the classroom. True or false?


Ask for teacher permission first. Ask to stand while working.


Name 2 things you could do if you are bored at home.

Watch tv, play a video game, draw/color, learn something new, ask to help someone, go play outside, make something to eat.


Name 2 coping skills you could use if you are having a hard time understanding an assignment.

Ask for a break, take deep breaths, ask for help from a teacher or peer, skip that problem and go to the next problem, think positive thoughts


Do coping skills always have to be big things that take up a lot of time and other people see?

No. Taking a couple deep breaths, think of something positive, say kind words to yourself.


Is it healthy or unhealthy to hit, throw, or hurt something or someone when you are angry?



When you are feeling sad, it can help to think about 3 good things you have in your life. True or false?



Name 2 coping skills you could use if you are arguing with your parent/guardian.

Take deep breaths, ask for a break to walk away, think about things from their perspective, use "I" statements to express feelings, say positive things to yourself.


Name 2 coping skills you can use if someone hits you on the playground.

Tell a teacher, walk away, use "I" statements to share your feelings, remove yourself from the situation, take deep breaths


Is it bad that I need coping skills?

NO! Every single person on the face of the planet uses coping skills. It is totally normal and healthy.


Is it okay to ignore your anger and let it build up inside of you? Why?

No because it will eventually come out and may come out in an unhealthy way.


Asking for help when you need it is okay. True or false?



Name 2 coping skills you could use if you get grounded and/or toys taken away.

Take deep breaths, walk away, use "I" statements to express emotions, find a distraction, accept responsibility, say positive things to yourself.


Name 2 coping skills you can use if you are feeling sad at school.

Think positive thoughts, ask for a break, talk to someone you trust, find a distraction, clean something in the classroom or reorganize, help the teacher or a classmate, eat a yummy snack, play a game.


Is it okay to just have one coping skill?

No, it is important to have lots and lots of coping skills so no matter the situation or place you have something you can use. Ex-coping skills toolbox


Name 2 things you can do to PREVENT stress and anger from building up.

Practice self-care, talk to someone, acknowledge your feelings when they happen, use your coping skills.
