Healthy Coping Skills
Unhealthy Coping Skills
Coping Consequences
True or False
How Would You Handle It?

What can you do when you are stressed with school work?

What is take a break, practice deep breathing, ask for help, organize yourself, etc.


Can sleep become an unhealthy coping skill?

Yes,  it is important to try to have a regular schedule when you go to bed and wake up at the same times every day.  Try not to take long naps in the afternoon, it makes it harder to fall asleep at your regular bed time.  


A consequence of hitting someone.  

They are hurt, you are in trouble, and you may have harmed your relationship.  


Coping skills are only used to help you relax.

What is...False


You are playing a board game and notice your friend is cheating.


A coping skill that can help you relax.

Any healthy coping skill that helps you relax


Will ignoring your problems or school work make them go away?

No.  Even if it's hard, it's important to try to deal with problems when they happen.  If you're not sure how to handle a problem ask someone you trust for support.


A consequence of not doing school work in google classroom or seesaw.

It doesn't go away!!!!  Low clicks, teachers keep asking you and talk to your parents. 


Everybody has the same coping skills.

What is...False


You are sitting in class working and notice someone is tapping their pencil really loud.

Just ignore it.  Respectfully ask them to stop, put headphones on, ask to sit somewhere else, ask for help.


A coping skill if you are feeling overwhelmed and lonely.  

Any healthy coping skill will be correct


Can eating too much sugar impact how you feel.  

Sugar in small quantities is awesome and yummy!  However, too much sugar can make increase your energy too much, or make you feel a little irritable.  


A consequence of using unhealthy coping skills.

Problems don't go away.


You need to practice your coping skills, even when you're not feeling distressed. 

What is..True


Your little brother is running around and unplugs the tv by accident, while you are in the middle of a video game.


A coping skill that you can use with a friend

What is talking, telling a joke, helping someone, asking for help?

Is it okay to say hurtful things to others even if you are upset, tired, hungry or scared?



A consequence of not saying you are sorry when you have done something wrong to someone.

You hurt your relationship.  People may pull away from you.


You only need a few coping skills. 

What is...False


A peer at school tries to talk to you about something that makes you feel uncomfortable.

Tell them in a respectful way that you aren't comfortable with what they are saying.  You can always as an adult for support on how to handle this if it gets tricky.  


Three healthy coping skills you use.

Any three coping skills is correct


If you are confused or unhappy about something that happened with a peer, should you respond right away?

No.  If you are confused, and not sure about something, give yourself time to think about how you want to respond.  You may even need to get a bit more information.


The consequence of saying things that are not true.

No one believes or trusts you.  Sometimes even if you are telling the truth.  They can't tell.


Taking care of yourself is selfish. True or false

What is...false.


Other kids are playing a game, you ask to join and they say no.

You can walk away, do something else, play with other kids, talk with a supportive adult...
