Healthy Coping Skills
Unhealthy Coping Skills
Pop culture
Explain it

What is a healthy coping skill that can help you relax?

Practicing meditation and relaxation, spending time to yourself, reading, finding humor, spending time with friends, physical activity, doing a hobby, engaging in spirituality, and etc.


What are the benefits of unhealthy coping skills?

Short term relief from negative feelings.


Coping skills are only used to help you relax. True/False- Why or why not?


Managing your stress, anxiety, and/or depression is not always relaxing. Exercise is a great healthy coping skill and is not necessarily relaxing although it results in the relief of negative symptoms.


Which Golden Girl lived the longest?

Betty White


Why are coping skills helpful?

Coping skills help you tolerate, minimize, and deal with stressful situations in life. Managing your stress well can help you feel better physically and psychologically and it can impact your ability to perform your best.


What is an example of a healthy coping skill you can engage in when you are overwhelmed?

  • Get enough good quality sleep.
  • Eat a well-balanced diet.
  • Exercise on a regular basis.
  • Take brief rest periods during the day to relax.
  • Take vacations away from home and work.
  • Engage in pleasurable or fun activities every day.
  • Practice relaxation exercises such as yoga, prayer, meditation or progressive muscle relaxation.
  • Avoid use of caffeine and alcohol.

What is an unhealthy coping skill you could replace with a healthy coping skill?


This coping skill involves putting your thoughts and feelings down on paper.



Which superstar infamously had a “wardrobe malfunction” during the Super Bowl XXXVIII Halftime Show?

Janet Jackson


Who can benefit from using coping skills? AND When should they be used?

Everyone! All the time!


What is a healthy coping skill you have used this week?


What is an unhealthy coping skill you use or have used in the past?

Avoiding issues

Sleeping to much

Excessive drug or alcohol use

Impulsive spending

Over or under eating


Coping skills are only needed when you're struggling with negative emotions.



Who is the godmother of Miley Cyrus?

Dolly Parton


What are some coping skills you use or would like to try using?

Deep breathing, writing, physical activity, self-talk, art, meditation, puzzles, music, friends, pets


What is a healthy coping skill to use when you're feeling lonely and isolated?

 Self-care is always a good idea, but especially when you are feeling down. Eating nutritious food, exercising, and getting enough sleep will only make you feel better in the long run.


What is the difference between an unhealthy coping skill and a healthy coping skill? Extra points for examples of each!

They are both coping skills and therefore alleviate your negative feelings, however, the difference is...

Unhealthy Coping Skills only help to relieve your depression, anxiety, or stress while you're doing it or for the short term and may have negative impacts if used too often. (examples- substance use, self-harm, overeating, bullying or harming others, or too much screen time.)

Healthy Coping Skills help relieve your depression, anxiety, or stress for the longer and may have long-term benefits. (examples- exercise, finding hobbies and interests, being outside, walking, communicating your feelings to yourself and others, mindfulness practices.)


Phrases you can say to yourself to get you through difficult times.

Affirmations, positive self talk, coping statements, mantras

What is an example of one that you would like to practice?


Who has won more tennis grand slam titles, Venus Williams or Serena Williams?

Serena Williams


What's the difference between a coping skill and self-care?

Coping skills are activities or tactics you use when you’re in a stressful situation. They’re strategies you can use when you need to buy a bit more energy or time. Self-care, on the other hand, is something that you do regardless of your stress level.


What is a mindfulness practice that can help you calm your body and mind?

Meditation, belly breathing or deep breaths, body scans, 4-7-8 breathing, progressive muscle relaxation, etc. 


What are two emotions that often lead you to engage in unhealthy coping skills?

Alcohol, drugs, & smoking

Binge eating


Isolating from friends and family

Avoiding emotions


Over-relying on others



This type of coping skill utilizes the 5 senses, counting, visualizing, and/or reciting phrases

Grounding techniques 


What NBA team won the championship last night?

Golden State Warriors!


Name one type of grounding technique that can be used as a coping skill.

Meditation, 4-7-8 breathing, 54321 (identifying 5 senses), body scans, progressive muscle relaxation, engaging in any activity that engages any of the senses, etc.
