Healthy Coping Skills
Unhealthy Coping Skills

Name 3 healthy coping skills.

- Read a Book, Writing/Drawing/Painting, Listening to Music, Spending Time with Friends/Family, Go for a Walk, Deep Breathing, Meditation


Name one example of an unhealthy coping skill.

Avoiding Help; Fighting; Yelling at others; Harming others or yourself; Procrastinating; Ignoring the problem/feelings


Which of the following is a benefit of using healthy coping skills? 

a.) they reduce stress 

b.) they allow us to create better relationships 

c.) they allow us to have a healthy mind and body 

d.) all of the above

d.) all of the above


What are some expectations that teachers have for you? 

Pay attention in class, follow rules, be respectful, do not be disruptive


List two ways to care for yourself physically. 

healthy eating, good sleep schedule, good dental hygiene, exercise, drinking water, showering/bathing, getting in the sun


Healthy coping skills help us

a.) Deal with stressors in our lives 

b.) Work through our emotions and problems 

c.) Process our thoughts and emotions 

d.) All of the above

d.) All of the above

Using healthy coping skills allow us to take a minute and process what is happening with our emotions, stressors, thoughts, and problems.


Name one symptom of anxiety/stress? 

sweaty hands; negative thoughts; dry mouth; butterflies; dizziness; frequent urination; digestive issues


What is one benefit that a person can experience from using healthy coping skills?

 Feeling more relaxed, Having a clear mind to help solve your problems, Creating healthy relationships with others, Being able to think about your response to a situation, etc.


Do you usually speak kindly to yourself?

If so, how do you know? If not, why is that?

extra 50 points


Why is it important to love yourself?

loving yourself = better self esteem, better relationships with others, less anxiety and stress, better self esteem, better coping skills


What's a difficult situation that came up recently and what coping strategies did you use?

*must have tried to use coping skills, regardless if they worked or not*


What is one way unhealthy coping skills affect us?

they can hurt us, can hurt others, can cause more problems, create bad habits


Which of the following is NOT a benefit of using healthy coping skills? 

a.) better relationships 

b.) more stress 

 c.) healthy mind and body 


Using healthy coping skills allows us to reduce stress!!!


What expectations do you set for yourself?

Where do these expectations come from?


Is positive self talk a way to show yourself love?



Describe mindfulness. Is it a coping skill?

Mindfulness is when you center yourself in the present moment. It can be done through meditation, relaxation exercises, or just simply slowing down and taking notice of things that are currently around you. 

Yes, it is a coping skill!


True or False?

All stress is out of your control.

False; sometimes we create out own stressful situations 


Name 2 coping skills that can be used to reduce stress? 

- meditation, talking with someone, breathing exercises, exercise, mindfulness, yoga, coloring, etc.


How could you change this to a positive thought: "I am so dumb, I didn't get that answer right"

I know the correct answer now. I'm going to learn from this. I can do better next time. 


Tell me one positive affirmation (A positive thing you say to yourself, about yourself.) 



What coping strategies can you use to help with difficult emotions?

positive self-talk; meditate, take deep breaths, talk to a friend/ family member, etc.


What is one emotion that often lead people to engage in unhealthy coping skills?

Anger; Sadness; Anxiety; Jealousy; Guilt 


When does a healthy coping skill become unhealthy?

When it is done excessively and in a unhealthy way.

When it negatively affects your life


True or False: Coping skills are not important to your well-being.

FALSE! Coping skills are important for your overall health.


When is practicing self care important?

Every single day!


What are some of the coping skills you are currently using?

list any healthy coping skill you actually use

What is an example of an unhealthy coping skill you've used? 

Avoiding issues; sleeping too much; staying up all night; over/under eating; yelling at others


True of False: Coping skills help us properly handle negative emotions, panic attacks, and other difficult situations.

True. When you effectively deal with a negative emotion or situation, you also move on and let go of the negative feelings that are associated with that experience.


True or False: It's easy to stop feeling stressed.

Why or why not?

False: Stress is the feeling of being overwhelmed or unable to cope with pressure. It takes time to build coping skills and find what helps relieve your stress. 


True or false: In order to practice self care you need to spend lots of time and money?


extra 50 points if you can name self-care that doesn't cost a lot of money
