
These are things we can do in the moment when we are feeling stressed, upset, or angry. They help us to calm down and stop us from getting overwhelmed.

What are coping skills?


This is a kind of breathing we are more likely to do when we are stressed. Is it:

A. Deep breaths

B. Shallow breaths

What are shallow breaths?


This is something you can do that both relieves stress and is healthy for you.

What is exercise?


When you share how you're feeling with a trusted adult or friend, they may help you to see the situation from a different point of view. They may help you to shift your mindset and change your ____.

What is perspective?


Research has found that listening to this can help calm your nervous system and lower your stress levels in your body. 

What is music?


This is a state of worry or mental tension caused by a difficult situation.

What is stress?


In this type of breathing technique, you place one hand on your chest and one hand on your stomach. Breathe in through your nose and notice your stomach expand. Breath out through your mouth and notice your stomach contract. 

What is belly breathing?


This is something people often do before a workout. It can be beneficial to do on its own since it calms your body and helps slow it down. 

What is stretch? 


When we express this feeling, we recognize the people or things we are thankful for. When we think about those positive things in our life, it helps us to handle stress and improve our mood.

What is gratitude?


This activity is both creative and a stress reliever. It has been shown to reduce anxiety and increase mindfulness. (And you don't actually have to be good at it for it to help you relax!) 

What is draw or make art?


This is a feeling of persistent fear, dread, or excessive worry in situations that are not actually threatening. Unlike stress, this feeling continues even after a concern has passed.

What is anxiety?


This is breaking technique where you trace the lines of a square as you breathe in for 4 seconds, then hold for 4 seconds, breathe out for 4 seconds, and then hold for 4 seconds. 

What is box breathing?


This is a great way to get outside and get some fresh air.

What is go for a walk?


One way to cope with a challenging situation is by thinking about something you are looking forward to in the near future. It helps to remind yourself that there's something positive on the horizon and that this difficult situation won't last ____. 

What is forever?


This relaxing activity can help you to calm down by distracting you from what is bothering you. It also might make your teacher very happy to see you doing this?

That is read a book?


This word means the ability to deal effectively with something difficult.

What is "cope"?


When you breathe slower and more deeply, you signal this part of your body to calm down. Is it:

A. The Stomach

B. The Nervous System

C. The fear response

What is the nervous system?


Exercise has shown to improve your ____ and reduce anxiety. Is it: A. Mood

B. Work Ethic

C. Growth Mindset

What is mood?


One way to shift your mindset is to focus on changing what you can control, instead of worrying what you can't change. Which things are NOT in your control:

A. Your actions

B. Another student's choices

C. When your assignments are due

D. Your words

What are B and C?


This is something you can do, especially when you are angry, so that you allow yourself to calm down before you say or do something you'll regret. (also, it's math teacher-approved.)

What is count to 10? 


This is a mental technique of noticing what is happening (in your body and in your thoughts) in the present moment without judging yourself for those feelings.

What is mindfulness?


In _____'s breath, named for the animal it resembles, you inhale deeply through your nose. Next you open your mouth, stick out your tongue and exhale, say "ha" until you exhale fully.

What is lion?


You can't really go for a run when you are in the middle of class. This is a small action that you can do while seated at your desk. (Just don't let your teacher catch you throwing it instead!)

What is squeeze a stress ball? 


This type of mental technique, called a ____ exercise, helps you to focus on the present moment by noticing what is around you. It helps to calm your overthinking brain and brings you back into the moment. One simple version is to find something in the room for each color of the rainbow?

What is grounding?


This relaxation technique involves tensing all of your muscles in your body. Starting with your toes, you slowly move up your body intending each muscle group until all the muscles in your body are relaxed. Is it:

A. Process of Muscular Tension

B. Progressive Muscle Relaxation

C. Progresso Mussel Rumination

What is B. Progressive Muscle Relaxation? 
