Healthy Habits
Positive Self-Talk
Unhealthy Coping Skills
Problem-Solving Skills

Name 3 Healthy Habits that can help you cope with stress

Examples: Exercise, Talking about your problems, Healthy Eating, Counseling, Deep Breathing, Using Social Support, Problem-Solving

What is mindfulness, and how does it help with coping skills?

Mindfulness is the practice of being fully present and engaged in the current moment, without judgment. It involves paying attention to thoughts, feelings, bodily sensations, and the surrounding environment with openness and acceptance. Mindfulness can be cultivated through various techniques such as meditation, deep breathing exercises, and body scans.


What is a positive affirmation you could use to boost your confidence before a test?

Examples: "I'm smart", "I'm prepared", "I'm going to do my best"


Name 2 Unhealthy Coping Skills

drug/substance use, overeating, procrastination, sleeping too much or too little, aggression toward self or others


Define the term "problem-solving" in the context of coping skills.

In the context of coping skills, problem-solving involves actively seeking solutions to stressful or difficult situations in order to reduce distress and achieve positive outcomes.


How does getting enough sleep contribute to coping effectively with challenges?

Lowers stress chemicals (cortisol), allows body to rest and reset


Name two mindfulness activities you could do during a break at school.

Examples: Belly breathing, ABC Grounding, self-hug...


Explain why positive self-talk is important for maintaining good mental health.

promotes self-confidence, counters negative thinking, enhances resilience, boosts mood, helps goal achievement 


What consequences might result from using unhealthy coping strategies?

Increased stress, worsening mental health symptoms, relationship problems, substance abuse, decreased productivity, and physical health issues.


Name 2 steps you can take when faced with a problem to help you find a solution.

1) Identifying the Problem

2) Generating Solutions


Name 3 Healthy Habits you can do outside

Examples: walking, playing a sport, cloud watching... 


Explain how practicing mindfulness can improve your ability to focus and concentrate.

It brings you back to the present moment. Allowing you to focus on the here and now. 





What is doom scrolling?

Continuously and obsessively scrolling through social media. Using social media to avoid feelings or responsibilities. Doom scrolling can contribute to feelings of anxiety, stress, and helplessness. 


Give an example of a problem you might encounter at school and how you could use problem-solving skills to address it.

Example Problem: Difficulty understanding a complex math concept before an upcoming exam. 

Solution: Identifying the Problem, Generating Solutions (use classmates and teacher as a resource, seek additional practice) 

Implement solution. 


How do you Express Gratitude? 

Practicing gratitude by acknowledging the things you're thankful for can shift your focus away from negative thoughts and improve resilience.


How does mindfulness reduce stress?

Mindfulness practices have been shown to reduce stress levels by activating the body's relaxation response. By focusing attention on the present moment and practicing deep breathing or meditation, individuals can calm their nervous system, reduce the production of stress hormones like cortisol, and experience a sense of calm and relaxation.


How can you help a friend develop their own positive self-talk?

Be a supportive listener, offer encouragement, challenge their negative beliefs, help them identify their strengths, demonstrate positive self-talk, practice mindfulness together, be supportive


Name 3 Unhealthy Coping Skills

withdrawing from friends, avoidance, self-injury


Explain why it's important to develop problem-solving skills as part of coping mechanisms.

Problem-solving skills help people approach problems with confidence, resilience, and a sense of agency, rather than feeling overwhelmed or helpless. It helps identify the root causes of stressors, reduce negative emotions, and achieve positive outcomes, increasing overall well-being and quality of life.


What Hobbies do you engage in? 

Pursuing hobbies and interests you enjoy provides a sense of fulfillment and relaxation, which can help with coping during stressful times.


What is something you can practice this week?

Name any healthy mindfulness skill. 


Give an example of how you could turn a negative thought into a positive one using positive self-talk.

Negative Thought: "I'm not smart enough to pass this test. I always struggle with exams." 

Positive Self-Talk: "I am prepared and capable of doing well on this test. I have studied diligently and learned the material."


What barriers might prevent someone from using healthy coping skills?

not knowing about effective coping strategies, not enough time or lack of time management, fear of change or discomfort, negative influences from friends. 


Provide an example of how you could apply problem-solving skills to a conflict with a friend.

Example: Approach your friend in a calm and respectful manner to discuss the issue. Listen actively to their perspective and validate their feelings. Express your own thoughts and feelings about the situation without placing blame. Brainstorm potential solutions together, considering compromises or alternative approaches to resolve the conflict.

Implement the solution. 
