Name 3 healthy coping skills
kids choice
Name 3 examples of unhealthy coping skills
kids choice
Why do we go to therapy?
To help us understand our thoughts and feelings.
When should you use healthy coping skills?
When you are having big feelings and emotions
John has a lot of stress from school. When he gets home, he yells at his brothers to get his frustration out. Is this a healthy coping skill and why or why not?
Talking with someone is a great coping skill. However, yelling is unhealthy and it may cause issues in our relationships.
What are highs and lows?
Good/fun and bad/not fun things that happen during the week.
Name 3 coping skills that can be done anywhere anytime
Kids choice
What makes a coping skill unhealthy?
When it is unsafe, unhelpful, or harmful to yourself and others.
How long should someone be in therapy?
Until they have met their goals.
What are some clues to know when it's time to use my healthy coping skills?
When you start to feel like you are losing control of your behavior or your emotions
What are some other consequences for using unhealthy coping skills?
You can get in trouble, you can feel like everything is crashing down on you, which is overwhelming, you can hurt people and lose friendships, etc.
Why is therapy important?
What makes a healthy coping skill?
Safe, non disruptive, and regulates someone back to a good place
Why do people use unhealthy coping skills?
They haven't learned or developed healthy ones
Who can go to therapy?