Problem Solving Steps
Coping Skills
Unhealthy Coping Skills
Healthy Coping Skills
Healthy Coping Skills cont.
Codependency and Enabling
Attachment Styles
Name the 4 problem solving steps in order.
1. Identify the problem

2. Brainstorm
3. Implement a solution
4. Evaluate the outcome


What are the four main categories for the types of coping skills?

Problem focused 

Emotion focused

Meaning focused

Social coping (Support seeking)


What type of unhealthy coping skill is this:

Often the result of avoidance of perfectionism, procrastination offers temporary relief from having to address a problem but increases long-term stress, reduces our sense of self-efficacy, and contributes to feelings of shame and guilt.

What is procrastination?


Give me an example of 6 healthy coping skills

•Positive Self-Talk


•Breathing Exercises

•Grounding Exercises


•Physical Movement


Give me an example of positive distractions?



What are the 3 Roles for enabling?

What is Rescuer/ Caretaker, Provoker, Martyr?


What are the 4 attachment styles?

1. Secure

2. Anxious/ Preoccupied 

3. Avoidant-Dismissing 

4. Disorganized


List 2 things forgiveness is not. Double points if you can list all 4

oReconciliation (repairing or returning to a relationship)

oForgetting the injustice

oCondoning or excusing a behavior

oGranting legal mercy to the offender

o"Letting go" but wishing for revenge


What is the definition of rejection?

What is the spurning of another's approval?


Name the problem in this example:

You have a client who frequently misses scheduled counseling sessions, making it difficult to support their progress. Their inconsistent attendance is also impacting your schedule and other clients who could have taken those time slots.

Client who keeps missing their sessions 


What type of coping skill is this? Double points if you can give an example.

•aims to reduce the negative emotions associated with the problem: Examples of this style include positive reframing, acceptance, turning to religion, and humor.

What is emotion focused? 


What unhealthy coping skill is this:

oMay offer temporary relief from anger, frustration, or irritability, but tends to strain relationships, push people away, result in physical harm.

What is aggression?


How could I reframe this negative self-talk into positive?

"Ever since I gave birth I am so fat"

This body grew a human OR give it time you can work towards getting your body back. 

How does distractions become negative?

•Without limitation, distractions can pull us away from our priorities or become time-consuming.

•If distractions change from "an effort to make life better" to "an escape from life", they become destructive.

•Over-reliance on distractions can limit our capability to manage difficult emotions or scenarios. 


What enabling role is this:

  • Doesn't let the incidents become a "problem," by attempting to cover them up.

  • Denies it, never mentions it, lies, protects from consequences

What is Rescuer/caretaker?


What attachment style is this: 

  •  confident in exploring their environment while maintaining a strong bond with their caregiver.

  • When separated, they may be upset, but they are easily comforted upon reunion.

  • They view their caregiver as a reliable, supportive source of comfort and safety.

What is Secure Attachment Style?


What are the 4 phases of forgiveness?

1. Uncovering phase

2. Decision phase

3. Work phase

4. Deepening phase


How is rejection traced back to early life experiences?

What is being excluded by peers or feeling unloved by caregivers. It can also be caused by traumatic experiences of rejection or abandonment in adolescence?


Brainstorm for this example:

You have a client who frequently misses scheduled counseling sessions, making it difficult to support their progress. Their inconsistent attendance is also impacting your schedule and other clients who could have taken those time slots.

    • Speak with the client to understand why they are missing appointments.

    • Offer a more flexible scheduling option, such as virtual sessions.

    • Set up reminder calls, texts, or emails before appointments.

    • Implement a late-cancellation policy to encourage commitment.

    • Work with the client on time-management strategies if scheduling is an issue.


What type of coping skill is this? Double points if you can give an example. 

•an individual reduces stress by seeking emotional or instrumental support from their community.

What is social coping (support seeking)?


What unhealthy coping skill is this?

oReinforcing pessimistic thoughts about ourselves rarely encourages change, rather, it reduces self-esteem, heightens depression, and magnifies our distress.

What is negative self-talk. 


How could I change this into positive self-talk

“I’m such a failure. I can’t keep up with school, work, or even taking care of the house. Other people seem to manage just fine, so why can’t I? I should be able to handle this, but I’m clearly not good enough.”

“I have a lot on my plate right now, and it’s okay to struggle. Balancing school, work, and a baby is hard, but I’m doing the best I can. Other people have challenges too, even if I don’t see them. I don’t have to be perfect—I just have to keep trying, and that’s enough.”


What is positive self-talk proven to help with?

oImprove immune function

oReduce pain

oReduce risk of death

oDecrease stress

oImprove overall life satisfaction


What enabling role is this:

  • Is ashamed of the addiction and lets them know by action and words.

  • Isolates, becomes withdrawn and depressed, feelings of guilt/shame

What is Martyr?


What attachment style is this:

  • often seem indifferent when their caregiver leaves or returns.

  • They tend to suppress their emotions and avoid seeking comfort from their caregiver, often appearing self-reliant.

  • These children may not show much distress during separation.

What is Avoidant/ Dismissing Attachment Style?


What phase is this?

During this phase, you will gain a deeper understanding of what forgiveness is, and make the decision to choose or reject forgiveness as an option.

What is the decision phase?


What can experiences of rejection lead to? List 2 

Double points if you can list 6 or triple points if you can list all 8 listed on the PowerPoint

•Difficulty managing anger, hostility/aggression, or passive-aggressive communication

•Dependence on others for affirmation

•Defensive independence; this is a coping skill in which one craves acceptance but, in the face of potential rejection, adamantly denies this and rejects any offers for support

•Negative self-esteem; poor image of self, beliefs that one is unlovable or unworthy

•Negative self-adequacy; comparison to others and a feeling of inadequacy or incompetence

•Emotional instability

•Emotional unresponsiveness

•A negative worldview


How would you implement a solution to this example:

You have a client who frequently misses scheduled counseling sessions, making it difficult to support their progress. Their inconsistent attendance is also impacting your schedule and other clients who could have taken those time slots.

You decide to reach out to the client and ask if there’s a reason they’ve been missing sessions. They explain that their work schedule changes frequently, making it hard to plan ahead. Together, you agree to set up a weekly check-in where they confirm availability before scheduling, rather than pre-booking sessions too far in advance.


What type of coping skill is this? Double points if you can give an example

•an individual uses cognitive strategies to derive and manage the meaning of the situation

What is meaning focused?


What unhealthy coping skill is this?

oIgnoring or suppressing emotions contributes to heightened stress and anxiety; the problem is never resolved.

What is denial/ avoidance? 


How could I change this negative self-talk into positive self-talk?

“I’m so weak for feeling this way. Other people go through worse things and still manage. I should just get over it, but I can’t. I’ll always feel like this.”

“Struggling with mental health doesn’t make me weak—it makes me human. My feelings are valid, and comparing my pain to others’ doesn’t change the fact that I deserve support. Healing takes time, and I’m taking steps in the right direction, even if they feel small.”


What are the 4 types of self-defeating or negative thoughts?

•Personalizing: Blaming yourself for everything

•Magnifying: Focusing only on the negative aspects of a situation and disregarding the positive

•Catastrophizing: Expecting the worst-case scenario while dismissing logic that suggests otherwise

•Polarizing: Black-and-white/all-or-nothing thinking with no middle ground


What enabling role is this:

  • Punishes the addict for their actions.

  • Scolds, nags, ridicules, belittles. Is angry and lets everyone know it. Threatens to leave, but never does

What is provoker?


What attachment style is this:

  • Children with this attachment style become very distressed when separated from their caregiver.

  • Upon reunion, they may not feel fully comforted and might continue to seek reassurance.

  • These children often show clinginess and anxiety about abandonment.

What is Anxious/ Preoccupied Attachment Style?


What phase is this?

During this phase, you will further decrease the negative emotions associated with the injustice. You may find meaning in the experiences, and recognize ways in which you have grown as a result.

What is the deepening phase?


List 2 of the 4 ways you can respond to rejection. 

Double points if you can list all 4 that were listed in the PowerPoint

•Explore the root of rejection in your life: Acknowledge from whom you experienced rejection, identify how this altered your behaviors and worldview, and challenge unrealistic or distorted beliefs.

•Celebrate your successes and reinforce positive self-views

•Practice working on any resentments and implementing forgiveness

•Identify the signs of trustworthy and emotionally safe people; develop a support system.


Evaluate the outcome of this solution:

You decide to reach out to the client and ask if there’s a reason they’ve been missing sessions. They explain that their work schedule changes frequently, making it hard to plan ahead. Together, you agree to set up a weekly check-in where they confirm availability before scheduling, rather than pre-booking sessions too far in advance.

After a few weeks, the client starts attending sessions more consistently. They appreciate the flexibility, and you’re able to better manage your schedule without as many last-minute cancellations. If attendance issues continue, you can revisit other strategies, like reinforcing boundaries with a stricter cancellation policy.


What type of coping skill is this? Double points if you can give an example. 

•addresses the problem causing the distress: Examples of this style include active coping, planning, restraint coping, and suppression of competing activities.

What is problem focused?

What type of unhealthy coping skill is this?

oMay be used to cope with feeling of emptiness, lack of purpose, or alienation by filling spare time with productivity, however, it often leads to avoidance of resolvable issues and contributes to burnout and a decrease in overall life satisfaction.

What is overworking? 


How could I change this negative self-talk into positive self talk?

“I’ll never be able to stay sober. I’ve already messed up too many times, so what’s the point in trying? I’m just a failure, and no one really believes I can change.”

“Recovery is hard, but one mistake doesn’t erase my progress. Every day I make an effort is a step in the right direction. I am not my past mistakes—I am capable of change, and I deserve a better future.”


What are the questions for socratic questioning?

What evidence do I have for this thought?  Against it?

Am I basing this thought on facts or feelings?

Is this thought black-and-white when reality may be more complicated?

Could I be misinterpreting the evidence?  Am I making any assumptions?

Might others witnessing this situation interpret it differently?  

Am I looking at all the evidence or just what supports my thought?

Could my thought be an exaggeration of what's true?

Am I having this thought out of habit or do facts support it?

Did someone pass this thought onto me?  If so, are they a reliable source?

Is my thought the most likely scenario or the worst-case scenario?


What is the 5 patterns we talked about with codependency?

What is Denial, control, compliance, low-self esteem, avoidance?


What attachment style is this:

  • display a mix of behaviors, showing both avoidance and anxiety.

  • They often behave in confused, inconsistent ways, such as approaching the caregiver but then retreating or showing fear.

  • This style is often the result of traumatic or inconsistent caregiving (e.g., abuse, neglect)

What is Disorganized Attachment Style?


What phase is this

During this phase, you will start to understand the offender in a new way, which will allow positive feelings toward the offender and yourself.

What is the work phase?


What are the 3 ways that are listed in the PowerPoint of how you should respond to rejection?

•Stay calm: It can be easy to see rejection as an attack and become defensive or angry.  

•See all sides: Consider the alternatives to why the person declined or responded the way they did.  Are there scenarios in which their response has nothing to do with you as a person? 

•Be patient: Trust is easily lost and difficult to earn.  Many people in our lives may not be ready or able to see the changes you've made, yet.
