Name two healthy coping skills
journaling, listening to music, taking a walk, video games, meditation, talking to someone, writing, drawing,etc.
True or False:
Reacting quickly to my anger will not get me any consequences
FALSE, Reacting quickly to anger often results in hurting yourself or others
What are some coping skills you can use at school?
Deep breathing, going for a walk, drinking water, asking for a break, counting to 10
Sarah is angry at her classmate who never completes their fair share of work. Rather than discussing her feelings with her classmate, she avoids confrontation and continues to feel angry. Sarah manages her anger by yelling at her. What is a healthy coping strategy that Sarah could use instead?
Name three unhealthy coping skills
throwing things, yelling at others, using inappropriate language, harming yourself or others,damaging property etc.
True or False:
What helps one person cope with stress may not necessarily help me.
Everyone has different coping skills and strategies that work for them.
What coping skills can you use if you are feeling unfocused in class?
Deep breathing, going for a walk, asking for a break
You are sitting in class working and notice someone is tapping their pencil really loud. What do you do?
Explain that it is bothering your focus and ask them nicely to stop, or move to a new seat.
Some anger coping skills are
a.) walk away
b.) take a deep breath
c.) talk about it
d.) all of the above
True or False: Hitting or kicking is an unhelpful coping skill
True- it is unhelpful and harmful to hurt someone around you. Can you think of something else you could do that would let you get physical and not hurt someone?
If a peer keeps bothering you at school, what are some coping skills you can use?
Talk to an adult
Name 3 stressors in your life and how you can cope with them.
What are some of the coping skills you are currently using?
Coping skills help you get through hard days.
True- coping skills help you feel calmer, happier, and stronger.
What are the consequences of using an unhealthy coping skill, like fighting, at school?
You get in trouble, people might think negatively about you, you could lose friendships, etc.
What is a negative way to deal with anger?
Yelling, screaming, fighting