Positive Skills
Current Sports
True or False
Negative Skills

What is 1 positive coping skills you can use when upset?

taking a deep breath/mindfulness


Who has the most home runs in a career?

Who is Barry Bonds? 


You receive some news that a visit you were looking forward to is cancelled. You are very upset. What is the best choice for you to do? 

Using a positive coping response can keep you in the moent and give you a chance to work towards solving your problem in a constructive way.


Physical excersize helps to decrease stress

TRUE: physical excersize produces endorphins chemicals in the brain that reduces stress, improves sleep, and act as natural pain killers 


What is yelling, screaming, and making fun of others?

What is bullying? 


Behaviors and thoughts you use to regulate your emotions or deal with changes? 

Coping skills: skills are different for each person but include releasing emotions, distracting oneself, managing hostile feelings, meditating, mindfulness practices, and relaxation procedures.


What team won the most world series?

Who is the New York Yankees


The dog chewed up your favorite headset, now you are unable to use it.  What should you NOT do? 

Do not harm the dog out of anger. 


The best way to deal with being disappointed is to yell, push, or throw something?

FALSE: causing harm to someone or something is not a good coping skill


What is banding your head, punching the walls, throwing things?

What is harming self  and is a negative coping skills that can harm you or someone else. 


Talking to someone, journaling, and taking a step back are called what? 

Positive coping skills: these skills allow you to work through your feelings in a healthy way, helping you to reflect on the moment and consider consequences lashing out 


Who won the first ever world series? 

Who are the Boston Red Sox?


Someone in school tripped you and you fell on the ground, dropping all your books and papers. 

Take a deep breath, gather your things. Report the incident to a trusted adult.


No thought or feeling is wrong in itself, it is what we do with it that really counts



Why is it important to have more than 1 coping skills when you are stressed out?

you may not be able to use one of them such as calling someone, therefore having another one like deep breaths is helpful


Talking to a r counselor about your worries, fears, or concerns is called what? 

What is therapy?  Therapy is a great way to express yourself in a safe and judgement free environment. 


Who's number is retired from the entire league?

Who is Jackie Robinson


Someone is yelling in your face how can you deal with this situation in a healthy and productive way?

What is walk away? Let the person calm down before trying to talk to them.

Taking time each day for yourself is essential to coping with life pressures

True: doing a hobby, long walks in nature. What works for you?


Deliberately harming one's body with sharp objects 

What is cutting? Cutting is not a healthy way to cope with problems and can cause more issues such as infections.


What is recording your thoughts and feelings in a notebook? 

What is journaling?


What was the player they broke the rule you have to wait 5years to be inducted into the Hall of Fame for? 

 Who is Robert Clemente?


Its been a long hard day and your friend keeps making funny jokes and not taking anything serious. Is this a healty coping skill?

Yes! Humor is a great coping skill when someone is stressed out. 


All stress is out of your control? 

What is False, we can take the time to think through issues to lessen stress for yourself in the future.


Critisizing yourself or others, being violent, hitting, yelling, smoking, and drinking alcohol are called what? 

Negative coping responses:these can make stress or the problem worse and can wear you down overtime 
