Things we do to help us to feel better is called this
What is coping skills
On a scale of 1-5, 1 represents what
What is a small problem
True or false: Kids, youth and teens can experience stress
What is true
True or False: Feelings are permanent
What year is it
Deep breathing, journal writing, and riding a bike is an example of this
What is healthy/positive coping skills
On a scale of 1-5, 5 represents this
What is a big problem (emergency)
A feeling of emotional or physical tension. It can come from any event or thought that makes you feel frustrated, angry, or nervous.
What is stress
True or False: All coping skills are good and helpful
There are healthy (positive/good) and unhealthy (negative/bad) coping skills
What are the colors in the American Flag?
What is red, white, and blue
What are the 2 types of coping skills
What is healthy (positive) and unhealthy (negative)
Saying stop it please, ignore it, walking away, or going into a calm corner are examples to help solve this
What is small problems
Daily double: Name 3 things/events that can cause stress
What is too many demands or things to do, problems with friends/peers, separation of parents, death of a loved one, etc.
True or False: We have the ability to control our feelings and actions
3 different positive qualities about me are...
Screaming, punching a wall, and fighting is an example of this
What is unhealthy (negative) coping skills
Asking for help from a trusted adult right away helps to solve this
What is a big problem
True or False: Fight, flight, or freeze is the body's natural response to danger
What is true
True or False: The same coping skills work for everyone and in every situation
Name a place that helps you to feel calm and safe
What are the 3 points that makes a coping skill unhealthy (negative)
What is danger to self, danger to others, and destroying property
You can solve it yourself, you are not in danger, and you are okay is an example of this
What is a small problem
True or false: experiencing stress for a short amount of time is normal and can be motivating
What is true
True or False: Coping skills take time and need to be practiced frequently (daily, a lot, all the time) in order for them to work
Name one person in your life you can talk too about your feelings