Healthy Coping Skills
Unhealthy Coping Skills
True or False
Does it Require a Coping Skill?
Explain it

What is a healthy coping skill that can help you relax?

 reading, running, working out , writting, deep breathing, meditating 


What are the benefits of unhealthy coping skills?

short term relief from negative feelings.

getting retriggered 


Coping skills are only used to help you relax. Why or why not?


Managing your stress, anxiety, and/or depression is not always relaxing. exercise is a great healthy coping skill and is not necessarily relaxing although it results in the relief of negative symptoms.


You are sitting in class working and notice someone is tapping their pencil really loud. what do you do

ask nicely to stop, or move to a new seat


Why are coping skills helpful?

Helps you learn how to handle your emotions


What can you do when you are overwhelmed with school work?

 what is take a break, ask for help


What is an healthy coping skill you could replace with a unhealthy coping skill?

smoking too hanging with friends  playing cards, movies, doing something fun thats not harmful to the body


A helpful way to stop negative feelings is to distract yourself with coping skills.



You just finished a test that was draining and more difficult than you expected. how do you reward yourself appropriately

go to the mall, movies, get a snack, pat yourself on the back, 


Who can benefit from using coping skills? AND When should they be used?

Everyone! All the time!


What is a healthy coping skill you can use at AMI

deep breathing, talking to your counselor


What is an unhealthy coping skill you most teens use

doing drungs 


Coping skills are only needed when you're struggling with negative emotions.



Your little brother is running around and unplugs the video game by accident while you are in the middle of a game. what do you do using ART

express your irritation without physical aggression, have him plug back up 


What are some coping skills you use or would like to try using?



taking a break

deep breathing


What is a healthy coping skill to use when you're feeling lonely and isolated?


What is the difference between an unhealthy coping skill and a healthy coping skill? Extra points for examples of each!

They are both coping skills and therefore alleviate your negative feelings, however, the difference is...

Unhealthy Coping Skills only help to relieve your depression, anxiety, or stress while you're doing it or for the short term and may have negative impacts if used too often. (examples- substance use, self-harm, overeating, bullying or harming others, or too much screen time.)

Healthy Coping Skills help relieve your depression, anxiety, or stress for the longer and may have long-term benefits. (examples- exercise, finding hobbies and interests, being outside, walking, communicating your feelings to yourself and others, mindfulness practices.)


It's important to have lots of coping tools in your "toolbox" to pull from.



you are getting ready to tranistion out of AMI and you are feeling anxious about going home how do you cope when you get.

 do something fun with family or friends , talk to my support system 


what makes something a "coping skill?"

If it helps you calm down to be able to handle a stressful situation.


What is a mindfulness practice that can help you calm your body and mind?

belly breathing or deep breaths, meditation, body scans, etc. 


When does watching tv, scrolling social media, sleeping, etc become an unhealthy coping tool, AND why?

When you are doing it all the time or more than any other coping skills

Because it does not help relieve your depression, anxiety, or stress long term; it only helps in the moment.


It is important to not use unhealthy coping skills



Bonus Question 


What are the 4 categories of coping skills or self-care?

1) Before- coping skills to help you prepare for or prevent negative feelings (ex. grounding tools, breathing, identifying potential triggers)

2) During- coping skills to help you regulate your emotions while you are experiencing something that triggers your negative emotions (ex. breathing, drinking water, taking breaks, walking)

3) Right After- coping skills that help you to calm down or regulate after you have experienced something that triggers you (ex. physical movement, grounding tools, body scans, mindfulness practices, talking to a support person, music)

4) Ongoing/Regular- coping skills or self-care practices that help you to relax and regulate your emotions long-term (ex. meaningful activities that you enjoy, spending time with your support people, having time to yourself, sleeping well, exercise, mindfulness practices)
