Situation Cards
Coping Cards
Name that Coping Skill

Suzanne was trying to build a birdhouse from a kit. The instructions were hard to understand, and she couldn’t tell which pieces went where. She tried gluing two pieces together and they fell apart. What do you think Suzanna is feeling? What coping skill can she use to help herself?

Suzanne is feeling frustrated. 

She can ask for help. 


Cara was having a hard time putting her bracelet on. The clasp kept slipping out of her fingers. She decided to be patient with herself and try again. What coping skill did Cara use?

Cara adjusted her attitude. 


Telling someone what you need

Ask for help


Bill was helping his dad paint the house. He wanted his dad to be proud of him, so Bill worked extra hard on Saturday. After three hours, Bill was hot and thirsty, but he still hadn’t finished the front. After another hours his arms hurt and he was hungry, but he didn’t want to stop. What do you think Bill is feeling? What coping skill can he use to help himself?

Bill is feeling tired. 

Bill needs to take a break and take care of himself. 


Jake felt angry because his mom wouldn’t drive him to school. He let out his angry feelings by stomping his feet as he walked to school. What coping skill did Jake use?  

Deal with his feelings. 


By thinking about the good side of things.

Adjust your Attitude.


Kirk has been trying for a half an hour to move up a level in his new game, but he can’t quite do it. His muscles are getting tense, and he is starting to bang the controller. What do you think Kirk is feeling? What coping skill can he use to help himself?

Kirk was feeling angry. 

Kirk can take a break. 


Robbie was learning to use his new computer and printer. There were so many switches to turn on and programs to open he began to feel confused. Robbie created a list, indicating what he needs to do first, second and third. Next, he learned how to load paper into the printer, and he finally opened a program on his computer and started working. What coping skill did Robbie use?  

Robbie took one step at a time. 

Deciding what can and can't be changed. 

Discover your choices. 


All of Amanda’s friend had pets. Amanda loved animals, but pets were not allowed in the apartment building where she lived. Amanda wished she could have a puppy or a kitten. What do you think Amanda is feeling? What coping skill can she use to help herself?

Amanda is feeling disappointed. 

Amanda could adjust her attitude or discover new choices. 


Marcus couldn’t understand the Social Studies homework, so he asked Andy to explain it to him. What coping skill did Marcus use?  

Marcus asked for help. 


When you are stressed. 

Give yourself a break.


Wendy was cleaning up her room but wasn’t sure if she could get everything done. There were books on the floor, the trash can was overflowing, her bed wasn’t made, most of her toys were not on the shelf, and dirty clothes were everywhere. What do you think Wendy is feeling? What coping skill can she use to help herself?

Wendy is feeling overwhlemed. 

Wendy could take one step at a time or ask for help. 


Jeremy was practicing for the basketball team tryouts. After an hour, he started missing the basket over an over again. He decided to take time out to make himself a sandwich and then practice more later. What coping skill did Jeremy use?

Jeremy took care of himself by eating a sandwich. 
Doing things in order of importance. 

Take one step at a time
