This is something that makes you angry.
What is a trigger
Coping skills main purpose is
to calm you down
Saying please, thank you and excuse me are called using
What is manners
This is the appropriate voice level for in the library
What is a quiet voice
Another word for feelings
What is emotions
Red face, sweat, and clenched fists are all what type of SIGN or SIGNAL that you are angry.
What is a physical sign
Watching TV or playing video games are coping skills you can use where?
What is at home
When working with others it is important to
What is be respectful, listen politely, problem solve, etc.
These are the two forms of communication
What is verbal and non-verbal communication
Having more than one feeling at the same time
What is mixed emotions
The is person who is making you angry.
What is the source
Taking deep breaths, talking to a friend, or drawing about your feelings are coping skills you can use where?
What is at school.
Your friend asks you to go to a movie, but then tells you something has come up and he/she can't go. What should you do?
What is make plans for another night and accept change.
Examples of non verbal communication
What is sign language, body language, writing a letter
Being able to tell people how you feel about a problem can help prevent.
What is arguments and anger
When you take your angry feelings out on someone. That person is called the...
What is the target
Coping skills for big problems are?
What are talking to a friend/family member, asking for help
Helping others or being nice makes WHO feel better?
What is everyone involved
This is an important part of communication - when someone is talking, someone else is
What is listening
Feeling bad for someone
What is having sympathy
Making bad choices/hurting others when angry can lead to?
What are consequences
Coping skills for small problems are?
What are walking away, ignoring it, taking a break, etc.
Understanding what others are feeling means?
What is having empathy
When answering a question or talking to someone you need to use a
What is respectful voice
I feel sad when you don't listen because I'm trying to teach you and I want you to learn is an example of a
What is an I statement or I message