Name 2 healthy coping skills.
Deep breathing exercises
Take a walk
Read a book
Take a bath
Phone a friend
Listen to music
Name 2 healthy ways to relieve stress.
Shutting down and not talking a healthy coping skill?
Why is it important to identify healthy coping skills that work for yourself?
Learning healthy coping skills is important because it teaches us how to deal with difficult situations and helps us become more resilient.
What reduces stress hormones and releases endorphins that improve mood?
What are 2 examples of unhealthy coping skills?
Drugs/ alcohol
Social withdrawal
Self- Harm
Name 2 unhealthy ways to relive stress.
When you feel stressed, you may fall back on unhealthy behaviors to help you relax. These may include:
It is important to have lots of tools in your wellness toolbox to pull from?
Who can benefit from using healthy coping skills?
What helps you sort through and come to terms with challenging emotions through writing?
Everyone has the same coping skills?
It is good to recognize the things you cannot change?
Accepting that you can't change certain things allows you to let go and not get upset. For instance, you cannot change the fact that we are in a pandemic.
Coping skills are only needed when you're struggling with negative emotions?
What are some healthy coping skills you use or would like to begin using?
Answer subjective.
What helps you regulate your breathing when you're feeling stressed?
Deep Breathing
Is yelling into a pillow a healthy coping skill?
Yes it is! As long as it does not cause self harm or harm to others.
Does everyone view stress in the same way?
Stress is perceived differently by each of us, stress affects us all in ways that are unique to us.
You should not ask anyone for help when you have a problem that you are not able to solve?
How often should you use coping skills?
What is making a list of what you are thankful for?
Practicing Gratitude
Name a healthy coping skill you used this week.
Answer subjective.
What is stress?
Stress is your body’s response to changes in your life. Because life involves constant change—ranging from everyday, routine changes like commuting from home to work to adapting to major life changes like marriage, divorce, or death of a loved one—there is no avoiding stress.
A healthy diet and exercise can lessen the effects of stress and help you have a better mood?
The benefits of eating healthy foods extend beyond your waistline to your mental health. A healthy diet can lessen the effects of stress, build up your immune system, level your mood, and lower your blood pressure.
Explain how to complete a deep breathing exercise.
What helps you relax and cope with stress by focusing on something that calms you?