This is what most easily triggers kids at school.
What is Someone disrespecting you (name calling, threatening you, spreading rumors)
This coping skills is the best to help you immediately calm your body down
What is taking deep breaths
This is a coping skill you use when you are in a disagreement with someone else.
talking it out with I statements
This is something that may trigger you from your teachers
What is being called out in front of the class, getting a behavior point or bad grade
This coping skills helps to relax muscles
Progressive muscle relaxation
This is a person you can turn to when you need someone
parent, teacher, therapist, friend, relative
This is what might trigger you from a parent
What is being grounded, yelled at, punished in some other way
This coping skill helps to get your feelings out instead of bottling them up
What is talking to someone
This is an activity you can do with others to help you cope with anger.
play sports, video games
Something that might cause sad feelings or having no feelings at all
What is depression
This type of coping skill is good for your body and brain
What is exercise
This is an activity you can do with others to help you cope with depression.
talk it out, enjoy time watching a movie or a walk outside
What is something that may trigger you due to lack of planning
What is being late or forgetting something
Name 5 coping skills that are most effective for you.
points awarded for stating 5 coping skills
This is something you can do if you feel like self-harm or have suicidal thoughts.
tell a parent, text suicide text line, call therapist