True or False
What Are the Benefits?
What coping skill would you use?

Mindfulness is paying attention to what is happening in the present moment.



What are some benefits of practicing mindfulness?

                                                                      Mindfulness can help us learn to pay close attention to many things. It can also help us calm down when we are angry, sad, frustrated, or have any difficult emotion. Mindfulness can help us feel happy too. It can also help us focus and do well in school, sports or music.




You have a test this afternoon, and you are very worried that you might do poorly on it.

possible answers: practice deep breathing, mindfulness, find a fidget, talk to someone about it, go for a walk around the block, positive self talk


Deep breathing slows your heart-rate down and that's why it makes you calmer.

True! When you experience a strong emotion your heart-rate might increase and deep breathing can bring it back down to normal.


What are some benefits of exercise?

Exercise keeps our bodies healthy, can raise our energy levels, can help to calm us down when we are worried or upset, and can make us happier.


You have been feeling lonely the past few days.

Possible answers: talk to a friend, talk to a family member, find a way to connect by playing a video game with a friend, send a note to someone you care about, practice sending kind thoughts to others, find something to do that you really enjoy


Maintaining social connections helps to keep us happier and healthier



What are some benefits of practicing gratitude?

By focusing on things that are good, we can feel happier throughout the day. We can also make others feel better when we express our gratitude towards them. 


You are feeling really distracted during virtual school today.

possible answers: put on earphones, find a less distracting spot to work, center your mind by following your breath, move your body when you have a break


Practicing gratitude is a nice thing to do, but no one benefits from it

False! When we practice gratitude regularly, we benefit by feeling happier and more content. If we express gratitude to others, we spread joy.


What are some benefits of maintaining social connections?

By maintaining positive social connections, we boost our mood and feel happier. We are also physically healthier.


You are stressed by all of the things you have to do today.

Possible answers: create a schedule for yourself, practice deep breathing, mindfulness, find a fidget, talk to someone, go for a walk around the block, positive self talk


Being assertive means you tell someone what you want or need in a calm but clear way. 



What are the benefits of sensory toys like putty, squishy balls, and fidgets?

They can help to distract us and calm us down when we are having strong feelings like worry and anger. 


Your siblings are getting on your nerves, and you just want to scream at them.

Possible answers: practice deep breathing, practice mindfulness, find a fidget, get some exercise, take yourself away from your siblings and find something that you like to do on your own (drawing, reading, playing a game)
