This is something that makes you angry, may cause you to have an outburst
What is a trigger
Model how you can ask for help?
Answers will vary
Punching a pillow and watching TV are coping skills you can use where...
What is at home
When interacting with others it is important to
What is be respectful, listen politely, problem solve, etc.
Having more than one feeling at the same time (sometimes opposite emotions)
What is mixed emotions
Identify 3 ways to calm your body when you are feeling upset (not screens)
Answers will vary
Practice one coping skill
You can do it
What is empathy?
the ability to understand and share the feelings of another.
Being able to tell people how you feel can help prevent
What is arguments and anger outbursts
True or false
You are responsible for your own reactions
Who can help us calm down when we are upset?
friend, family member, school staff
to have a discussion with another in order to settle something
Making bad choices when upset/frustrated can lead to multiple.....
What are consequences
Coping skills you can do alone
What are walking away, ignoring it, taking a break, etc.
How could you help someone that is struggling in class?
Answers will vary
Treat others the way you want to be treated is the golden rule for what
What is respect
When we are communicating feelings and we emphasize using "I"
What is an I statement or I message