Healthy or Unhealthy
At Home
At School
True or False
Mindful or unmindful

Which is a healthy way to deal with anger: Telling your friend why you're mad or punching a pillow with their face on it?

Telling your friend why you're mad. This would be the more helpful choice to make.


What are some coping skills you can use at home?

Exercise, drawing, reading, deep breathing, nap, playing outside, playing a game, listening to music, writing in a journal, splashing your face with cold water, yoga, bath, go for a walk, fidget 


A friend ripped your backpack off of your back and ran away laughing. Should you: Run after them yelling, or take 3 deep breaths?

3 deep breaths

you may also need a teachers help


All coping skills are healthy.

False- there are some unhealthy coping skills that we sometimes end up using. (Can you think of any examples?)


Your teacher is talking in front of the class and you are thinking about what you are going to do when you get home. 


You are not present in the moment you are thinking of something in the future. 


Take 3 deep breaths!

Take 3 deep breaths!


Who at home can help remind you of your coping skills?

Parents, Aunt, Uncle, Grandma, Grandpa, any family member 


What are some coping skills you can use at school?

Deep breathing, going for a walk, drinking water, asking for a break, counting to 10, fidget, drawing


Coping skills help you get through hard days.

True- coping skills help you feel calmer, happier, and stronger.


You're walking in the park thinking about the homework you need to do when you get home. 


You're not living in the moment and enjoying the park. 


What makes a coping skill unhealthy?

When it is unhelpful, unsafe, or hurtful to yourself or others.


What would be a healthy coping skill to use if your parents made you mad?

Talking it out, asking for a break, taking deep breaths, going for a walk around the house.


What coping skills can you use if you are feeling unfocused in class?

Deep breathing, going for a walk, asking for a break...


Everyone uses the same coping skills.

False- everyone has different coping skills that are helpful to them. What one student finds helpful may not be helpful to another.


You are eating your favorite food and your are enjoying every bite. 


You are taking your time to savor the food. Using your sense of taste. 


Name 2 healthy coping skills and 2 unhealthy coping skills.

Name 2 healthy coping skills and 2 unhealthy coping skills.


Where in your home can you go to calm your mind and body? 

****Open Answer****


What changes do you notice in your body when you are getting frustrated?

******Open answer*****


Hurting yourself or others is an unhealthy coping skill.

True- it is unhelpful and harmful to hurt yourself or those around you. Try to find a healthier option!


You are walking to school and getting ready to cross the street. You wait until the light changes, look both ways to make sure vehicles are coming and walk across the street safely. 


You are using your senses and paying attention to your surroundings as well as taking your time.


What makes a coping skill healthy?

When it is safe, helpful or a good choice to yourself and others.


What is 1 healthy and 1 unhealthy skill you sometimes use at home?

******Open Answer*****


If a friend keeps bothering you at school, what are some coping skills you can use?

Talk to an adult, take deep breaths, ask for a break.


Crying is an unhealthy coping skill.

False- crying is a very healthy way to deal with strong feelings, as long as it isn't happening too often each day


You make a mistake on a project and you start to get mad at yourself and calling yourself names. 


You are passing judgment on yourself and being unkind to yourself. Negative self-talk can lower your self-esteem. No one is perfect, it is okay to make mistakes 
