This color attracts mosquitos twice as much as any other color
What do we call talking about it, asking for help, painting, exercising, listening to music, petting a cat, taking a break?
Healthy coping skills.
What are examples of unhealthy coping skills?
Hitting someone or something, denial, isolation, all or nothing thinking, blaming
Consequences of using healthy coping skills.
What is feeling better, physical grounding, and being able to use the "thinking brain."
Tony felt embarrassed at school when his classmate made fun of him for messing up his words when it was his time to read. Tony accepted that he was feeling embarrassed, asked his teacher to help him after school, and listened to music to feeling better
What healthy coping skills did Tony use?
Recognized a trigger/ big emotion, asked for help and listened to music
This condiment was sold as medicine in the 1830s to treat diarrhea, indigestion, and jaundice
What is Ketchup?
Clues that it is time to start applying coping skills and strategies
What are feelings of physical activation (racing heartbeat, trouble breathing) feelings of fear or anxiety (wanting to hide or escape, an impulse to be mean or aggressive), or being unable to enjoy activities.
What do unhealthy coping skills do?
Make you feel worse and can get you into trouble
What does self-isolation (being alone a lot) looks like as a coping strategy.
What is distancing yourself from loved ones and refusing to ask for help, usually to avoid awkward situations or to conserve mental and emotional energy.
Michael felt embarrassed after he snapped at his kids. He and his wife go into a fight because his wife said he does this all the time. What unhealthy coping skills was being used here?
Avoiding feeling, fighting, irritation.
The continent that is also a country
What is Australia?
When should you use healthy coping skills.
What is when you begin to feel overwhelmed, when you experience a triggering event, or when you think using the coping skill will help improve your mood.
This maladaptive coping skill involves being alone and actively avoiding others
What is isolation?
Consequences of using maladaptive coping skills.
What is social conflict, declines in physical health and functioning, and feeling worse over time.
Brittney said that if was not the best player on her basketball team she must be the worst. What unhealthy coping skill was Brittney using?
All or nothing thinking or rigid thinking (not flexible).
This hat, also called a toque, has 100 pleats. The pleats used to indicate this professions level of experience
What is a Chef's hat?
This healthy coping skill involves talking with others
What is asking for help? or What is therapy?
Reasons coping skills can be classified as "unhealthy."
What is that they interfere with daily functioning and emotional regulation, they cause additional long-term complications, and/or they are not sustainable.
Negative consequences when not using healthy coping skills.
What is social discomfort, physical withdrawal symptoms, increased feelings of distress.
Aliyah was feeling nervous because she heard rumors that her good friend did not like her anymore. She decided to write about her feelings in her journal.
What type of coping skill is this?
Journaling/ writing, recognizing the emotion
This mythological creature is Scotland's national animal
What is a unicorn?
You just got done with lunch with your family at a restaurant. It's really loud and busy and you are feeling uncomfortably full. Your mind is beginning to race and your anxiety is building, what healthy coping skills do you use
What is, deep breathing, counting to 10, stepping away for a minute, asking for help, playing with a fidget
Why people use unhealthy or maladaptive coping skills.
What is because they've "worked" in the past or served some purpose, usually for survival through difficult situations.
What does mindfulness look like as a coping skill?
What is deep breathing, yoga, and meditation?
Brandon was feeling angry at work today and claimed that everyone was being too picky and grumpy. What type of coping skill should Brandon use?
Taking a break, talking to a trusted adult, deep breathing, filtering thoughts.